
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Honor Roll Project: Frederick, Maryland

A Sunday drive to the quaint, historic city of Frederick, Maryland, included a lovely surprise -- the Memorial Grounds with several memorials to those men and women who served their country in time of war from the city and county of Frederick, Maryland.

Vietnam War

The Vietnam memorial was a striking monument with several tablets surrounding the shiny black obelisk.

Vietnam War obelisk, Frederick Memorial Grounds

The men who lost their lives in Vietnam from the City of Frederick or Frederick County, Maryland:

Clyde S. Hines, USA, 26 May 1968
John W. Fraser, USA, 27 May 1968
Woodrow F. Carbs, USMC, 5 Jun 1968
Kenneth I. Krom, USA, 18 Aug 1968
Harold F. Kline, USA, 24 Aug 1968
Stephen E. Stroka, USA, 3 Aug 1969
James M. Atchison, USA, 12 Apr 1970
Franklin J. Krantz, Jr., USA, 13 Jun 1970
Robert I. Willard, USA, 28 Jul 1970
Robert E. Smith, Jr., USA 15 May 1966
Daniel S. Brittan, USMC, 30 May 1966
Richard W. Meehan, USA, 8 Aug 1968
Robert H. Lerner, USA, 31 Aug 1966
Wilson L. Cook, USA, 27 Feb 1967
Gary W. Cosgrave, USAF, 12 May 1967
Charles F. Brandenburg, USA, 5 Aug 1967
John F. Plunkard, USA, 8 Apr 1968
William E. Zimmerman, Jr., USA, 28 Apr 1968
Larry F. Brashears, USMC, 30 Apr 1968
Michael L. Brewer, USA, 9 May 1968
Charles W. Harbert, USA, 12 May 1968

Plus one more name of a serviceman missing in action whose remains were recovered in 2006 still needs to be added to this list.

Korean Conflict

The Korean War Memorial at the Memorial Grounds
in Frederick, Maryland

Korean War Veterans Memorial
June 25, 1950
January 31, 1955

Killed in Action

Charles Austin Brandenburg
Paul Kenneth Carty
Manville Eugene Dagenhart
Jacob Augustus Ely
Raymond Randolph Flair
Edward Ray Fisher
Samuel Oliver Frye
Albert Eugene Green
Raymond Louis Kemp, Jr.
Harvey Elmer Matthew Luby
Harold Edward Lugenbeel
Albert Lee Miss
Ira Victor Miss, Jr.
Norman Lawrence Reid
Charles Clark Roberts
Paul James Sewell
Clyde Jacob Smith
Virgil Lee Stambaugh
Norman Richard Thompson, Jr.
Robert Campbell Thomas, Jr.
Joseph Hayes Trail
Jack Dempsey Wallace
Victor Lorentz Wills
Irvin E. Lanehart
George W. Ambrose
Sterling L. Ambrose

World War II

The World War II memorial was the largest one on the memorial grounds. Names were engraved on both sides.

A portion of the World War II memorial at the Memorial
Grounds in Frederick, Maryland

Killed in Action

Frank W. Albaugh
Garfield H. Ambrose
Benjamin W. Anderson
Charles W. Andrews
Sherman E. Axline
John S. Baer
Franklin E. Baker
Gerald L. Baker
Melvin L. Baker
Olin W. Bales
William F. Beacht
William R. Beall
Garland O. Bell
Leon Biser
Charles S. Bowers
James B. Bowers
Raymond Bowins
Harry R. Brown
John J. Brown
Jesse. E. Burall
Leroy Burdette
Robert J. Burdette
Michael E. Busch
Floyd W. Butts
Calvin C. Cannon
Benjamin E. Cantwell
Wilson T. Carmack, Jr.
Miller B. Cassell, Jr.
Carl A. Cline, Jr.
Joseph H. Comer
Edwin C. Creeger, Jr.
Lawrence H. Crickenberger, Jr.
George B. Crist
Irvin W. Culler
John D. Culler
Paul C. Cummings
Russell Y. Dansberger
Clark L. Davis
John W. Davis
Wilbur A. Davis
Paul K. Dean
Johnny T. DeGrange
William T. Delaplaine, III
Paul E. Dodd
Wesley D. Dolan
Nathan G. Dorsey
Tommy Duble
Donald A. Duncan
William G. Duvall
Paul W. Esworthy
Vernon L. Etzler
Glenn W. Eyler
John F. Eyler
Llewellyn C. Eyler
Kenneth F. Fagan
John C. Felix
George F. Ferrell
Daniel W. Fetterolf
Earl W. Fitzwater
Richard L. Fleming
Milton L. Fletcher
John T. Flook
Max K. Flook
Dale M. G. Ford
George W. Ford
Harry F. Fraley
Edward L. Fulmer
Henry L. Gall
John R. Gall
Frank A. Gardner, Jr.
Irvin B. Gaver
Kellsie A. Gaver
Richard C. Geisbert
Habard T. Gladhill
Carl P. Gochnauer
George M. Gosnell
Charles V. Gouker
Donald V. Griffith
William J. Grimes
Harry M. Hahn, Jr.
William H. Hanvey
Aubrey L. Harner
Earl M. Harwood
Roland T. Hauver
Joseph E. Hemller
Lloyd H. Herbert
Arthur J. Hessong
Harry R. Hessong, Jr.
Robert L. Hessong
Garland Z. Hightman
Leslie A. Himes
Kathryn L. Hoffman
Morris E. Hoffman
Ruben Holler
Clarence C. Hood
Aubrey L. Horner
Monroe E. Hossler
Richard B. House
Paul E. Huffer
Richard Huntzberry
Paul R. Hyatt
George D. Jenkins, Jr.
James C. Jones
Jay Jones
Melvin Jones
Marlin L. Keeney
Gerald C. Keller
Charles D. Kemp
Charles F. Kennedy
Francis L. Kennedy, Jr.
Charles E. Kerchner
Ignatius B. Keyser
Charles D. Kidwiler
Carroll M. Kline
John F. Knott
Roy C. Koontz
Robert A. Lane
Mehrle E. Leatherman
John F. Leatherwood
James T. Lee
Merhl G. Lee
Robert L. Lewis
William F. Lines
Reginald R. Linton
John W. Little
Wilbur R. Long
Marvin D. Lowry
Franklin B. Makel
Reynolds Marrow
Harry C. Martin
Marvin L. McAdams, Jr.
Allan C. McBride
Robert C. McClanahan
John W. McDevitt
John F. Meehan
Paul Megna
Rayhugh G. Michael
Earl F. Miller
Richard O. Miller
Roy C. Miller
Thomas E. Miller
Charles T. Mills
William C. Moberly
Howard V. Mobley, Jr.
Ira L. Moore
Robert L. Morris
Warren R. Morrison
Roland E. Moss
Joshua E. Murphy, Jr.
William C. Myers
Fleet B. Neighbours
Robert P. Neisser
Owen A. Nichols
Harry A. Nogle
James A. Null
Harrmy M. Nuse
Clarence E. Nusz
Robert L. Pellicott
Ernest L. Perkins
William C. Petty
Charles L. Peyton, Jr.
John K. Phelps
Alton J. Plaine
John G. Poland
Milvin W. Poole
Warner M. Poole
Kenneth L. Porfs
Herbert F. Price
Gordon L. Pryor
Raymond L. Pryor
Claude T. Ramsburg
Austin C. Reed
Donald E. Reeder
Charles A. Rhodes, Jr.
George E. Rice
Dorsey L. Riddlemoser, Jr.
Clarence E. Roberts
Harry W. Rohrback
Chester E. Rollins
Hasson S. Sauble
Waldo E. Schmitt
James W. Schwartz
Daniel J. Scott
Edmond K. Seiler
Earlston F. Shafer
William F. Shankle
Charles L. Sharrer, Jr.
Joseph M. Shaw
Jacob W. Shinnick
Charles E. Shook
Annon C. Shriner
Ronald F. Sier
Richard F. Simmons, II
Alvey H. Smith
William B. Smith
William D. Smith
Woodrow W. Smith
R. J. Stambaugh
Arnold E. Stamper
George A. Strathern
Orville F. Streight
Charles M. Stull
Lester E. Stull
Raymond W. Sweeney
Marion C. Talley
Balfour E. Thomas
Fred P. Timmerman, Jr.
Gerald W. Tritapoe
Francis E. Valentine
Dominick D. Varano
Norman M. Wachter
Albert R. Walch
Robert S. Walters
Leo H. Ward
Charles R. Waters
Albert P. Watkins
Dallas D. Watkins
Ernest F. Wiles
James E. Wiles
Gilmour M. Will, Jr.
Leroy T. Wilson
Norman L. Windsor
Lester Winebrenner
Harry E. Wolfe
Harry R. Wolfe
Charles T. Wright
Harry F. Young
Carroll S. Younkins
Donald E. Younkins
Preston S. Younkins

World War I

World War I Memorial at the Memorial Grounds
in Frederick, Maryland

This monument
was erected in honor of
the sons and daughters
Frederick County
who served their country
in the Great World War
1917 -- 1918

These men died for their county

Lewis R. Adams
Byron V. Akers
Albert Garland Alder
Clarence D. Armstrong
Murray Baker
Hobert McKinley Beachley
Morris W. Bennett
Arthur H. Bentzel
Thomas R. Bopst
William Bunke
Harry C. Burke
Jesse D. Burke
Jesse L. Burns
Frederick F. Carroll
Honore Martin Claggett
Hugh Corun
John D. Darr
William Lee Dertzbaugh
Francis Zavier Elder
Morris Etzler
Benjamin F. Eyler
Edgar J. Eyler
Carl Lawrence Firor
Paul Firor
William Fraley
Charles Frances Gelwicks
Wilber Ecker Graham
Martin Luther Hahn
Norman G. Haller
Earl J. Harper
Earlston L. Hargett
Harvey Lycurcus Hedges
Roy Hoffman
William Shuff Hooper
Roy C. Huffer
Charles Winfield Jacobs
A. D. Keenan
Roy O. Kelbaugh
William C. King
Benjamin F. Kline
David F. Koogle
Gaither Leon, Lewis
Henry Lowry
Martin Luther Lutz
Roland Wordsworth Martin
Frank T. McNalley
Jacob Mercer
Walter A. Monath
George S. Morningstar
Walter Thomas Myers
Vernon Ross Ohler
Charles P. E. Peugnet
Andrew J. Ponton
Jesse Pryor
Leonard Melville Quinn
Benjamin Reed
Robert Bruce Reifsnider
William Ricketts
George W. Roeber
Francis E. Rowe
George C. Saunders
John Reading Schley
Leslie F. Selby
Daniel Austin Shankle
George S. Shaw
Charles S. Simpson
Guy Austin Smith
Harry Beachley Smith
Herman E. Smith
Franklin L. Staley
Howard W. Steadman
Clifford Martin Stitely
Charles Stream
Raymond O. Stull
Stanley M. Toms
Charles Walker
Russell J. Watkins
James Somerset Waters
John R. Webb
Nevel E. Wheeler
George Williams
Clive E. Wise

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