
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Newly Discovered Photos

In my latest 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks post was about my great grandmother, Effie Davis (Beard) Jennings. I lamented that I knew so little about her and my only photograph was her headstone.

Later that day I checked my email and discovered my second cousin, who descends from Effie's only daughter, sent me photos of my great grandparents, Charles Edward and Effie Davis (Beard) Jennings.

Effie Davis (Beard) Jennings (1871-1906)

Charles Edward Jennings (1843-1917)

I sent the photo of Charles to another second cousin who descends from his daughter, Leta, by his first wife. In return, she sent me a photograph taken in 1873 of Charles as a young man.

Charles Edward Jennings in 1873

The idea from this post came from


  1. How wonderful! And how kind and thoughtful of your cousins to share these precious photos with you.

  2. These are such wonderful photos. I think it's great that you and your cousins are sharing these photographs. It really helps to put a face to your work. Thank you for sharing them.
