
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Worldwide Genealogy: Slave Name Roll Project -- How It Started and Thoughts on Its Future

As some of you may know, the Slave Name Roll project was launched on the last day of February as a way to foster continuous collaboration between descendants of slaves and descendants of slave owners. One month on, it's been keeping me quite busy adding the contributions from many people who contribute by leaving links of named slaves as comments on the page. It's a good problem to have as the response is gratifying.

I contribute to Worldwide Genealogy -- A Genealogical Collaboration on the 25th day of every other month. Today I wrote a post describing how two DNA matches led me ancestors who owned slaves, how the Slave Name Roll Project began, and the thoughts I am starting to have about its future. I hope you will click over and read it and provide your thoughts on what the future of the project should be.

Image of a watercolor entitled "Old Plantation (Slaves Dancing on a South
Carolina Plantation) circa 1785-1795 attributed to John Rose; courtesy of
Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what the future should be. but I hope people continue to post those records until someone figures it out.
