
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: The Necklace

Before Mom died she gave me three pieces of jewelry: her mother's opal and ruby engagement ring, her sister's engagement ring and cameo necklace.

Cameo necklace

As I was looking through Grandma Lange's old photograph album, I discovered a photograph of Grandma wearing the cameo necklace. This photograph was taken on 5 April 1952 at the wedding of her daughter, Mildred, to Marvin Edward Jennings.

Grandpa and Grandma Lange at their daughter's wedding in 1952. Grandma is wearing the
cameo necklace

So the cameo necklace first belonged to my Grandma Lange and then to her oldest daughter Ruth (Lange) Meek. I wonder how Grandma came to own it.

The idea for this post came from

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