
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Honor Roll: Town of Red Hook, New York, War Memorials

The Town of Red Hook, New York, is in Dutchess County and was settled in the late 17th century under the Schuyler Patent. My husband and I drove through the quaint town on our way to Hyde Park, home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, our 32nd president. Just off Route 9 on the right as you are traveling south through downtown is a small park dedicated to all veterans, prisoners of war, and those missing in action.

Dedication monument; personal collection

This tablet is erected in honor of those men from Red Hook who served their country in the Great War 1917-1919

World War I tablet; personal collection

Roland Abrial
Richard Aldrich
John E. Ackert
William Ackert
George R. Ames
Lorenzo M. Armstrong
Harry Asher
Edwin Battenfeld
James Daniel Baxter
William Vincent Baxter
James E. Bellew
Harold F. Boice
Robert F. Bolenbaker
Charles Brizzie*
Raymond Burger
Conrad Chapman
Victor Chapman*
David Clark
George Clark
Barzelle H. Cole
Louts P. Collin
Edward Coon
Edwin Coon
Harold L. Coon
John V. Coon
Richard M. Cooke*
Ralph T. Crofts.
Le Grand W. Curtis
Floyd F. Decker
Patrick Vincent Doyle
Russell Du Bois
Henry Filers
William H. Forbes
Alfred Fraleigh
Philip W. Fraleigh
Ralph L. Fulton
Charles H. Green
Joseph Griffing, Jr.
Raymond B. Griffing
Stephen Griffing
William Griffing, Jr.
Donald Hagar
Marvin Hagar
Clarence W. Ham
Edmund Ham
Fred Harris*
Beckwith Havens
Herbert S. Havens
Frederick Hennebilly
Walter Hinton
Charles L. Hitchcock, Jr.
Horace H. Hoffman
Walter F. Hoffman
Cortland Holt
Burton Hutchings
James Howard Kid, Jr.
Archie Kilmer
Grover C. Killmer
Garret B. Kip
Francis A. Lewis
Herbert H. Lewis
Kirtley B. Lewis
James K. Losee
Bertram F. Lown*
Theodore C. MacCauley
Fred Minkler
William Minkler
Alvie Moore
George Navins
John J. Navins
Edward C. O'Connell
William H. Ostrander
Harry H. Patrie
John Dexter Patterson
Zera Horton Patterson
George Edward Pitcher
Jose Pons
Harry Proper
Floyd Rhynders
Harry Austin Rhynders*
Lloyd R. Rider
Oliver D. Rider
Harold V. Rifenburg
H. Walter Rifenburg
Jeremiah Rifenburgh
John H. Rifenburgh
Leonard N. Schutte
Arthur F. Shafer
Henry W. Shafer
Roland M. Sharpe
Louis L. Shook
Melvin Shook
Melvin Simmons
William Simmons
William M. Sistare, Jr.*
Fred W. Sittenham
Herbert Smith
John Smith
John R. Smith
Paul D. Smith
Cecil Granger Spencer
Arthur Stickle, Jr.
John Paul Sullivan, Jr.
William Sullivan
Archie Teator
Benjamin Teats
George L. Townsend
Clarence H. Traver
Fred Van Steenburgh
Harry Van Steenburgh
Herbert S. Wheeler
Thomas E. Yeargan
James Young

Those names marked by an asterisk (*) were killed while in service to their county.

World War II Town of Red Hook Veterans

World War II first tablet; personal collection

A'Brial, Raymond, Jr.
A'Brial, Marvin
A'Brial, Roland
Alba, Paul
Aldrich, Richard C.
Alexander, Clifford
Allen, Edward
Anspach, Edwin
Anspach, Phillip
Asip, William
Babich, Peter
Bard, Donald
Bard, Howard
Bard, Richard B.
Bard, Robert S.
Barich, Thomas
Barringer, Earl
Bassett, Paul
Bathrick, Gilbert
Bathrick, Paul
Bathrick, Royden
Bathrick, Walter
Becker, Chalmer W.
Becker, Robert V.
Begraph, Bruno
Belinda, Charles
Bishop, John
Bierstedt, Robert
Bielitz, Walter J.
Bjelis, Joseph
Block, David E.
Boomer, Joseph C.
Boice, William
Brandle, Gerard
Breazzano, Carlo
Brenen, James
Brennen, William
Brigati, Frank J.
Briggs, Fred B.
Brishof, Augustus
Brizzie, William
Bronslav, Vistica
Brooks, Albert
Brown, Louis
Brown, Roy W.
Burger, Charles W.
Burger, Floyd
Burkhardt, Lawrence
Burns, Edward
Caccamo, Anthony
Cady, Phyllis
Callison, Eugene H.
Calvert, Robert
Carle, Edward
Chanler, William
Chapman, John
Choinsky, Anthony
Choinsky, Frank J.
Choinsky, Stanley
Clark, Robert
Colburn, John S., Jr.
Cole, Charles
Cole, Clayton
Conorman, Franklin A.
Conorman, Stanley
Conti, Joseph
Cooke, Seeley
Cookingham, Oakleigh
Coon, Donald N.
Coon, Donald V. R.
Coon, George A.
Coon, Harry
Coon, Henry
Coon, Joseph
Coon, Kenneth
Coon, Richard
Coon, Robert
Coon, Rolland F.
Coons, Ainslie W.
Coons, Bertrand
Coons, Raymond
Cooper, John H.
Costa, Thomas
Cotter, Lawrence
Cotterell, Harry
Coursen, David
Coursen, Eric
Cristy, Howard
Cross, Richard
Cross, Russell S.
Cross, Victor
Crusius, Harold
Cutler, Joseph
Daley, Randolf
Daly, DM
Day, Chester
Day, Harold
Day, Lester
Day, Richard
Day, Ronald
Day, William
Dearing, Donn
Decker, Leslie
Decker, Raymond
Decker, Roy
Decker, Walter I.
Dedrick, George
Dedrick, James
Dedrick, Victor
Dedrick, William
Deitz, Warren
Delafield, John W.
Delafield, Richard M.
Delahanty, James
Delanoy, Howard
Delong, Alfred
Demmer, Richard
Dengler, Fred
Dewitt, Vincent
Dewitt, William
Dillman, Louis, Dr.
Donerly, George
Downing, Ralph
Downing, Raymond
Downing, Robert
Doxey, Kenneth
Dragula, Ralph L.
Dubois, Charles
Dubois, Edward
Dubois, Ira
Dubois, John
Dubois, Ralph
Dudley, O. R.
Duffy, James
Dunn, William E., Jr.
Dykman, Clyde
Edmister, Constance
Edwards, John V.
Erickson, James M.
Fallon, Edward
Fay, Joseph
Feller, Donald
Feller, Edward
Feller, Elmer
Feller, Robert M.
Fenical, Willard
Fenner, Donal
Finnigan, James J.
Flattery, James
Florio, Carlo A.
Florio, John
Foo, Gene Ming
Fragomen, Vincent
Fraleigh, David
French, Francis C.
Fromer, Harold
Funk, Andrew
Funk, Lee C.
Funk, Paul
Gallander, Lincoln R.
Gallander, William M.
Garrison, Melvin
Gay, James
Glynn, Francis J.
Golssling, John
Grahme, Albert J.
Grahme, Alexander
Gray, Carlyle
Gray, McGregor
Gray, Richard
Griffin, Churchill
Griffin, Daniel
Griffin, Frances
Griffin, James S.
Griffin, Michael
Griffin, Vincent
Griffin, William
Griffing, Beatrice
Griffing, Kenneth
Griffing, Robert
Grote, Alfred
Grote, Carl
Grote, Clarence
Gruntler, Frederick F.
Gruntler, Gerald
Gruntler, Julius
Gruntler, Walter
Gruntler, Watson
Haden, Ralph
Hagadorn, Ralph
Hallock, Evelyn
Hand, Maurice
Hanlon, Charles, Sr.
Hanlon, Chester
Hapeman, Elmer
Hapeman, George D.
Hapeman, Harry B.
Hapeman, Lloyd
Hard, Theodore
Harris, Gorden V.
Harris, Philip
Harnett, John
Hart, Franklin P., Jr.
Hefferman, Francis T.
Hefferman, John
Henshaw, Norman J.
Herrick, Winifred
Hicks, Edward
Hicks, J. A.
Hicks, John E.
Hildenbrandt, George
Hill, Ralph
Hines, Henry N.
Hobbs, John
Hobbs, William
Hoffman, Francis A.
Hogan, Elmer C.
Hoggs, William R.
Holderman, Arthur
Holowinski, Joseph P.
Holowinski, Rudolph
Holsapple, Donald
Holsapple, Robert
Holt, Archie
Holt, Clayton
Holt, Harry
Holt, Harold
Holt, Lawrence
Houghaling, Harold
Howard, Lawrence S.
Huntington, David
Huntington, William
Hyde Emerson
Jennings, Howard
Jennings, William
Johnson, George
Jones, Gordon
Jones, E. Powis
Kagel, Arlean
Kagel, Raymond
Kane, Harry
Kane, Joseph
Kearney, Robert B.
Kelley, Phillip A.
Kilmer, Raymond J.
King, Raymond
Kingsley, A. Lawler
Kipp, Billi
Kipp, Nelson
Koweek, Albert
Koweek, Maxwell
Krakowski, E. V.
Krauss, James
Krough, Charles
Kuhfahl, Clarence
Lamunion, Woodrow W.
Lasher, Bernard M.
Lasher, Clarence
Lasher, James
Lemire, Robert
Lemon, Arthur H.
Lempka, Daniel
Leone, Charles
Lepore, Donald
Leslie, Kelley
Leslie, Lawrence
Levy, Stanford
Lewis, Edward W.
Lewis, Winstanley
Lifer, Charles
Likes, Evelyn
Lipfert, Hans
Lippman, Sanford

World War II second tablet; personal collection

Lippman, William
Losee, Ronald
Loughran, Brian E.
Lown, Gerald
Lown, Malcolm
Ludwig, Robert
Lydon, Thomas, Jr.
Lynch, Matthew J.
Lynk, Harold
Mabie, Elmer
Maitland, Robert
Mandell, Herman R.
Martin, Robert
Maracich, Peter J.
Markle, Andrew A.
Markle, Chauncey, Jr.
Markle, David
Markel, Harold
Marks, Charles M.
Martin, James W.
McCabe, Joseph
McDade, Jospeh
McGuire, John T.
McKeefrey, Ronald P.
McKeefrey, A. William
McKenzie, Frank R.
McKinney, John
McManus, Eugene
McManus, Felix
McMichael, Joseph
McMurry, George
McNally, Edward
Mead, Gordon G., Jr.
Medlock, Edgar G.
Mehan, Martin
Melley, James
Melley, Margaret
Meybohm, Frederick
Michael, George
Miller, Edward
Miller, Elizabeth
Miller, Dorothy
Miller, Francis W.
Miller, Herbert
Miller, Joseph
Miller, Leland
Miller, Louis S.
Miller, Richard
Miller, Rodney
Miller, William
Millus, Arthur
Minkler, Joseph
Minkler, Quenten G.
Montany, Charles
Moore, Arthur
Moore, Bernard G.
Moore, Cecil
Moore, Charles
Moore, Clifford
Moore, Frank C.
Moore, Harold
Moore, Herbert
Moore, Raymond
Moore, Thomas L.
Moore, William S.
Morey, Daniel
Morgan, Jay
Mullaney, James
Munson, Chester I.
Munson, Frank
Munson, Walter
Murphy, Francis R.
Murphy, Lester
Murphy, Richard
Nelson, Francis
Nickotell, William
Norton, Robert
Nugent, Elizabeth J.
O'Conner, James
O'Hara, Reginal
O'Hora, Edgar
O'Leary, Ann T.
Olivio, Anthony
O'Neill, Daniel
O'Neill, Jospeh
Orlich, Frank P.
Orlick, Nick
Osterhoudt, Richard
Ostinoff, Pierre
Palermo, Anthony
Palermo, Joseph
Parker, Donald
Parsons, John
Patterson, William, Jr.
Paulson, George V.
Paulson, Harold R.
Pease, Lorin
Perrotta, John
Pertesis, James
Phinney, William R.
Phillips, Kermit C.
Pietrowiski, Stanley
Pillon, Claude W.
Pillon, Edmond
Pitcher, Joseph V.
Pitcher, William L.
Platner, Wilma
Ollock, Walter G.
Pollock, William
Poucher, Burton
Poucher, Harold
Proper, Arthur
Proper, Henry
Pulver, Arnold
Pulver, Clifford
Pulver, Martin, Jr.
Pulver, Sylvester
Quackenbush, Burt
Queen, Montgomery
Quimby, Roland
Redder, Henry
Redmond, Albert
Redmond, Joseph W.
Redmond, Thomas
Reese, John J.
Reese, Joseph C.
Reese, Nicholas J.
Reese, Patrick
Rhodes, Donn
Rhynders, Floyd
Rhynders, Philip
Rhynders, Raymond
Rider, Louis
Rider, Merrick
Rifenburg, Churchill
Rifenburg, Donald
Rifenburg, Halsey
Rifenburg, Harry C.
Rifenburg, Kenneth
Rockefeller, Arthur
Rockefeller, Clifford
Rockefeller, Gordon G.
Rockefeller, Harry
Rockefeller, Raymond S.
Rockefeller, Robert
Rockefeller, Wallace
Roff, Herft F.
Roff, Irwin
Rosborough, Allen
Rosborough, Robert
Rowe, Donal
Royce, Raymond H.
Rubitz, John S.
Rubitz, Stephen
Ryder, Woodrow V.
Sargent, Arthur, Sr.
Salpaugh, Donald
Schad, Walter
Schaffer, Donald
Schaffer, Herbert
Schaffer, Mathias, Jr.
Scheffler, Eugene J.
Schmitt, Edward
Schudin, Gordon
Schultz, Donald R.
Schutte, Robert
Scism, Edward C.
Scism, George R.
Scism, Howard
Seitz, George
Senf, Lewis
Senf, Thomas
Serf, J. H.
Shanley, David
Sharp, Alexander
Shaw, George
Shaw, Gustave, Jr.
Sherman, Irwin
Sherman, Kenneth
Sherman, Roland
Shook, Louis
Simmons, Albert
Simmons, Edward M.
Simmons, Eugene
Simmons, Foster
Simmons, Herbert E.
Simmons, Leamond
Simmons, Kenneth
Sipperley, Madison
Skuba, John
Smith, Abbott
Smith, Alden
Smith, Allen
Smith, J. Bertram
Smith, Charles
Smith, George E.
Smith, John B.
Smith, Merrick
Smith, Raymond
Smith, Rodney
Smith, William S.
Snyder, Howard
Spaulding, Ralph I.
Staats, Garrett
Stall, Calvin
Starke, Paul W.
Stevenson, William
Stickel, Irvin
Stickle, Claude G.
Stickle, Ralph C.
Stickle, William
Stoller, Louis
Sturz, Robert
Sullivan, Thomas
Sunko, Michael
Sweet, Carl
Teator, Clifford
Teator, Roger
Teats, Benjamin
Tembrock, Malcolm
Terwilliger, Leon A.
Tetro, Foster J.
Thomas, Willard
Thorley, Kenneth
Todd, Franklin
Traver, Bennett
Traver, Clarence
Treat, Matthew
Treat, Minor
Triebel, Donald
Troy, John
Tschundin, Gordon P.
Tuttle, Virginia
Upchurch, Fears E.
Vanderbogart, Allan
Vansteenberg, Bruce K., Sr.
Vansteenburgh, James R.
Vansteenburgh, Reginal
Vansteenburgh, Theodore
Vanwagner, James
Ventimiglia, Vincent D.
Vincent, Albert
Vincent, Joseph
Voulgaris, George
Wagert, Warren
Wagner, Stanley
Walsh, John
Walter, Charles
Walter, Florence
Walter, George
Waradowski, William J.
Warner, Lucien E.
Warnfeld, George H.
Watt, Charles
Werner, Anna M.
Werner, Stanley
Westlake, Theodore N.
Westlake, Walton H.
Wheeler, Albert
Wheeler, Kenneth
Wheeler, Kirtley
Wheeler, Ralph
Whitwell, George
Widas, Charles R.
Widas, George
Wilken, Alfred
Wilson, William L.
Wintje, Martin
Wisnieski, Joseph
Young, Harold R.
Younghanse, Harold
Zitz, Alfred C.
Zitz, Peter

Korea Town of Red Hook Veterans

Korean Conflict tablet; personal collection

Abrial, Arthur
Abrial, Ellwood
Abrial, Howard A.
Anderson, Kenneth A.
Atwell, George
Auster, Joel R.
Bard, Daniel
Barnao, Joseph
Bathrick, Burton
Bathrick, Foster
Bathrick, Vernon T.
Becker, Glenn L.
Becker, Vincent
Belcher, Richard
Bishop, Henry
Bloomer, Ernest
Bloomer, Joseph
Bookjans, Herman
Brandt, Wallace K.
Brenzel, Glenn
Brown, William
Burkhardt, Robert
Burns, Edward
Carley, ALlen
Christian, Oscar F.
Cole, Allen R.
Cole, George
Cole, William
Collins, Robert McV.
Conn, Harry, Jr.
Conway, Bernerd F.
Coon, Elliot
Coon, Elmer W.
Coon, F. James
Coon, Frederick J.
Coon, Harry W.
Coon, Howard
Coon, Richard L.
Coon, Rolland F.
Coons, Burton A.
Coons, Charles V. W.
Coons, Richard
Coons, Robert W.
Curtis, Thomas
Daley, Russel R.
Day, Harry H.
Day, Vernon
Dayton, Ernest
Demmer, Eugene T.
Deneger, Lyle K.
Dengler, Michael
Dengler, Richard G., Sr.
Dengler, Robert
Denholm, James S.
Donbroski, Peter J.
Downing, Mary
Doyle, Albert, Jr.
Dubois, Arthur
Dubois, Ira
Dubois, Russel L.
Duntz, Earl C.
Duryea, Everett
Dykman, Cicil
Edick, Floyd
Edick, Ronald E.
Ellerson, Edward
Estes, Richard L.
Eubell, Walter C.
Fallon, Clarence
Fallon, Donald
Fallon, Robert S.
Feller, Donald
Feller, Harold B.
Feller, John F., Sr.
Feller, Melvin
Feller, Milton
Funk, John H.
Gibson, Edward A.
Green, Albert, Jr.
Guebler, Clifford
Halverson, Kenneth
Hard, Jerome F.
Hard, John
Hard, Roger
Harrison, Charles H.
Harrison, John
Harrison, John R.
Higgins, Donald
Hilbrandt, Donald
Hilbrandt, Frederick J.
Hilbrandt, John R.
Hocker, Thomas D.
Hogan, James L.
Hogan, John A.
Hogan, Lawrence
Holt, Cortland
Houghton, Ronald
Hutter, Robert
Jammer, George L.
Jennings, Rolland
Jornov, Alice B.
Jornov, Thomas H.
Jozefowicz, Leon
Jozefowicz, Stanley
Kilgour, James E.
Kilgour, Robert
Landauer, Charles D.
Leavy, Reginal
Lewis, John J.
Lewis, William
Loop, Lloyd M.
Lore, Samuel F.
Lyndon, Thomas, III
Lynk, Donald R.
Martin, Harold
Martin, Harold E.
Martin, John Q. (Rev.)
Martin, Ronald R.
Mickle, Louis
Mickle, Maurice R.
Miller, George
Miller, Louis
Miller, Ronald
Mitchell, John J.
Moore, Charles W.
Moore, Donald
Moore, Elmer (Sonny)
Moore, John
Moore, Kenneth A., Sr.
Moore, Sanford
Moore, THomas L.
Moore, Wallace
Moul, Donald J.
Mundy, Francis M.
Murry, Michael
Myer, Robert
Myers, Henry G.
Myers, Lee
Newham, Albert G., Jr.
Nugent, John
Olson, Lyle
Palmer, Robert
Petrick, Howard
Pilitisis, Demetrious
Pillon, Claude W.
Pillon, Frank J.
Pitcher, Walter
Pitcher, William
Postver, Thomas E.
Potts, Gregory
Price, Stanton R.
Queen, Daniel
Queen, Stewart
Rathbun, Leonard
Redder, Kenneth
Redell, Alfred C.
Reese, Daniel
Reese, Joseph
Rhoads, William A.
Rider, Donald
Rifenburg, Ronnie
Rifenburgh, Ronald L.
Rifenburgh, William
Riley, Robert J.
Rion, John
Rodda, Nancy
Rose, R. Charles, Sr.
Ryan, John
Saulpaugh, Thomas E.
Schaffer, A. B. Betty
Schaffer, Kenneth P.
Schaffer, WIlliam A.
Schott, henry
Schulter, Ludwig S.
Schultz, Robert
Schutte, Robert K.
Scism, Harry W.
Scism, Walter C.
Sebodi, William
Shafer, Herbert
Shaffer, Raymond
Shaffer, William
Short, William R.
Simmons, H. A.
Simmons, Herbert
Singleton, Vincent J.
Sipperley, Arthur
Sipperley, Madison P.
Sipperley, Mary T.
Smith, Francis J.
Smith, Leonard
Smith, Richard V.
Smith, William H., Jr.
Sottery, Theodore W.
Spiciarich, George G.
Spillane, Gerald, Jr.
Stagias, Charles
Stickle, Claude
Stoutenberg, Lawrence
Tartter, Robert W.
Teator, Gerald B.
Teator, Norman
Teator, R. Ronald
Teator, Ralph V.
Teator, Robert
Teator, Robert R.
Teator, Roger
Teck, Michael
Tetro, Donald F.
Tetro, Frederick
Thorley, Brook
Thorley, Colin
Tracknack, Earl
Tratnack, Edward A.
Trezza, Michael
Triebel, Leroy William
Troy, Peter H. II
Tuccillo, Elenor
Ubell, Walter J.
Van Wagner, John
Vanwagner, Albert J.
Ventimiglia, Andrew
Ventimiglia, Paul
Viet, Augustus J.
Voegler, George
Wagner, John
Weterick, Fred
Wheeler, Kenneth
Whippel, Donald B.
Wright, Ernest
Wright, Robert F.
Yoli, Edward R.
Younghanse, H. Budd

Vietnam Town of Red Hook Veterans

Vietnam tablet; personal collection

Arial, Arthur A.
Aldrich, Winthrop
Arcoleo, Richard
Avella, John J.
Baltz, John G.
Bard, Allen H.
Bard, Donald C., Jr.
Bard, William
Baxter, John H.
Becker, Robert B.
Becker, Robert F.
Beller, Richard D.
Blauvelt, Philip
Block, David J.
Bloomer, Harold
Brandt, Richard L.
Brassel, Douglas
Brown, John T.
Budd, Thomas A.
Bulkeley, David
Burkhardt, Brian
Burkhardt, Keith
Chrisjohn, Vernon
Cole, Kenneth J.
Conn, Richard
Conn, Richard N.
Conroy, Richard J.
Coon, James R.
Coon, Robert B.
Coon, William A.
Coons, Henry A.
Coons, James S.
Coons, Richard
Cunningham, William F.
Daley, William F.
Day, Mark R.
De Mars, Gary
Decker, Andrew C.
Decker, Donald D.
Decker, Kenneth C.
Dedrick, Richard
Delage, Maurice
Delanoy, Peter
Dixon, Gary
Dondero, Louis
dressel, Ron
Dubois, Russell
Dunlap, David A.
Dunn, John
Dunn, Owen P.
Dunn, Robert
Dunn, William E., III
Edwards, Robert
Eggert, Christopher
Eubell, Walter
Fallon, Charles
Fistor, Gregory R.
Flandreau, James M.
Flandreau, Larry F.
Gorden, Mark S.
Griffin, Dennis
Gruntler, Daniel W.
Gruntler, Frederick A.
Gruntler, Larry F.
Hagadorn, Jeffrey G.
Ham, Maynard
Hammond, David W.
Hanlon, Charles H., Jr.
Hapeman, Jon F.
Hard, Lincoln
Harris, Donald
Hart, Thomas P.
Hilbrandt, Douglas
Hilbrandt, Edward R.
Hildenbrand, Wayne
Hinkein, Ralph L.
Hoffman, Roger H.
Hogan, John A.
Horak, Frank Jr.
Humphrey, Gary R.
Hutter, Robert H.
Johnson, RIchard
Jornov, Frank
Jozefowicz, Stanley
Juranic, John
Kilgour, Darin J.
King, Donald R.
Klose, Kevin
Klose, Woody N.
Kocenski, Alexander B.
Kicenski, Andrew B.
Kropp, Carl W.
La Pierre, Richard J.
Ladensack, Willis
Langridge, Thomas F. P.
Lawson, Richard
Lazarus, Charles A.
Lazarus, Wayne D.
Leavy, Russel J.
Leavy, Thomas A.
Lehmann, Herbert D.
Leone, Charles V.
Lockhart, Patrick G.
Losee, John H.
Lown, Douglas
Lynch, Walter
Mabie, Thomas
Mangam, George R.
Martin, Robert F.
Meldrom, Bruce
Mickle, James F.
Milbrandt, Richard A.
Miller, Gary
Minn, Arthur T.
Moore, Stanford F.
Moore, William
Moore, William C., Jr.
Moore, William W.
Morgan, Dennis
Moul, Wayne
Munz, Carl G., Jr.
Munz, Paul
Murphy, John Jr.
Murphy, Kerry
Neese, Darrell L.
Noonan, Jeffrey L.
Ogden, Robert M.
Olah, RObert
O'Neil, Thomas S.
Parisella, Charles J.
Parisella, Theodore
Parisella, Thomas F.
Pasco, Daniel W.
Pease, Henry
Peterson, Christine
Petrick, Howard
Picket, Richard
Pillon, Edward
Post, Vincent G.
Potsver, Thomas E.
Poucher, Kenneth
Quenzer, Frederick O.
Rabbett, James
Rabbett, Timothy M.
Redder, Raymond V.
Rhodes, Raymond
Rice, Richard E.
Richardson, David A.
Rieck, Frederick D.
Rifenburg, William H.
Rifenburgh, Vernon P.
Riley, William
Rockefeller, David J.
Rockefeller, Raymond
Rockefeller, Ronald L.
Rockefeller, Warren P.
Rogers, Robert
Ross, Charles L.
Ross, Louis
Sardaro, John C.
Scattergood, Robert
Scism, Thomas B.
Shaffer, R. A.
Shaw, Warren
Signor, Mildred A. F.
Simmons, Charles (Chuck)
Smith, Robert E.
Smithers, F. S.
Solywoda, Andrew
Solywoda, Thomas E.
Staib, Edward
Starcher, Christopher D.
Sternberg, Lawrence E.
Sternberg, Victor B.
Stickel, Irvin H., Jr.
Stickle, Barry J.
Stickle, Ralph B.
Teator, Bruce
Terstenyak, Stephen J.
Thompson, Orin S., Jr.
Thompson, Terance R., Jr.
Thorley, Roger
Triebel, Donald F., Jr.
Triebel, William O.
Tripp, Elmer T.
Troeger, james
Trow, John
Troy, John R.
Van Nastrand, Clifford E., Jr.
Van Wagner, Robert T.
Virgin, Albert
Virgin, George C.
Walsh, Georgette M.
Walsh, James
Warnock, Robert T.
Wasylchak, Lee A.
Watson, Alexander T.
Weber, Alvah H.
Weyraugh, Edwin
Wheeler, Kenneth L.
Whiple, Margaret
Widas, Charles
Wooden, Ernest A.
Wyant, Michael D.
 Yantz, George
Yoli, Ricahrd
Yoli, Victor I.

Monument donated by Frank J. Ackley ETN2 SS/SW USN RVN 16 April 1965- 20 October 1967

World War I and Korean War

World War I and Korean War additions; personal collection

World War I

Brizzie, Charles
Chapman, Victor
Coons, Richard, M.
Harris, Frederic
Lown, Bertram E.
Rhynders, Harry A.
Sistaire, William M., Jr.
Smith, John K.

Korean War

Pillon, Frank J.
Shaffer, William A.

World War II and Vietnam War

World War II and Vietnam War additions; personal collection

World War II

Bathrick, Royden
Brennan, William
Delafield, Richard M.
Dewitt, Vincent
Dragula, Ralph
Houghtaling, Harold A.
Kelley, Phillip A.
Kingsley, A. Lawler
Krauss, James
Lempka, Daniel
Lifer, Charles E.
Melley, John
Moore, Gordon
Palermo, Joseph
Scism, Howard A.
Spaulding, Ralph J.
Stickle, Ralph C.
Treat, Matthew

Vietnam War

Avella, John J.
Reilly, William
Rockefeller, Ronald E.

This post was written as a contribution to the Honor Roll Project, which was created by Heather Wilkinson Rojo, author of Nutfield Genealogy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making this information available here on the web. I have attended the Red Hook Memorial Day service at the Memorial Park for decades now. Each year I hear the 31 names read out; after so many services, the names are familiar to me now. I try to take some time around Memorial Day each year to make their loss more personal to me; one way I do that each year is to research a bit about who they were and where they fought and died. Having the names here is a big help in doing that. The web being only a little over 30 years old, there is more data on the web for those who served in the more recent conflicts; for example, there's a lot more info about Vietnam soldiers (my era) than for those from WW1. But regardless of the era, they were all guys just like me. Again, thanks for the site!
