
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Honor Roll: Arlington County (Virginia) Veterans Memorial

The land that became Arlington County, Virginia, was originally donated to the United States government to form part of the new federal capital district of Columbia. Congress named the area Alexandria County of the District of Columbia. That body returned the land to Virginia in 1846 after its citizens' requested retrocession due to issues of legislative representation and slavery. The commonwealth's General Assembly changed the name to Arlington County in 1920 to avoid confusion with the adjacent City of Alexandria.

In 1931 the American Legion constructed and dedicated a war memorial in the Clarendon neighborhood. The Arlington County Veterans Memorial was moved to the court house during the 1940s. In 1986 it was moved to its current location at the intersection of Clarendon and Wilson Boulevards and North Irving Street.

Arlington County Veterans Memorial; personal collection

World War I

I have alphabetized the names by surname; otherwise the transcription is as it appears on the plaque.

Arlington County Veterans Memorial World War I plaque;
personal collection

1917 -- 1918
To the memory of
those who served
in the World War
and those
who gave their lives

Robert G. Bruce, U.S. Army
Frank Dunkin, U.S. Army
Oscar L. Housel, U. S. Army Engineering
Ralph Lowe (colored), U.S. Army
John Lyon, U.S. Army
Arthur Morgan (colored), U.S. Army
Irving Thomas Chapman Newman, U. S. Army Aviation
Frederick Wallis Schutt, U.S. Navy
Henry G. Smallwood, U.S. Army
Edward J. Smith, Field Artillery
Harry R. Stone, U.S. Army
Harry E. Vermillion, U.S. Army
Archie Walters Williams, U.S. Navy

World War II

Arlington County Veterans Memorial, first of two World
War II plaques; personal collection

In memory of those
who sacrificed their lives
for their country
in World War II
from Arlington County

Able, Wilbur Sidney
Adams, Russell S., Jr.
Allmendinger, Robert Charles
Amory, Sidney Griffith
Anderson, Ernest Frank
Ayers, Eston, W.
Bair, Albert M.
Barndollar, Martin D.
Barrett, Melvin S.
Bartos, Frank W.
Bauer, Harry Frederick
Beebe, Matthew R.
Beer, Peter J. W.
Benford, Sam Austin
Berry, Edward K.
Berry, Woodrow W.
Bingman, Mark D.
Bladen, Calvin Thomas
Bowers, Hugh Claybourne
Brantley, Forest E.
Britt, Wade, H., Jr.
Brooks, Edwin A.
Brown, Ottawa
Brown, Robert Lewis
Bruffy, Hedrick Eugene
Broderick, Herbert R.
Cameron, Orndorff Hampton
Carr, George Francis
Castle, Billy H.
Champlain, Harry Luther
Cilley, Laverne David
Claflin, Mark M.
Cohen, Robert L.
Coleman, Frank G.
Collier, Neil Rex, Jr.
Collins, Williamos, Jr.
Conners, Herrick Ames
Connolly, Francis Joseph
Conradi, Albert M.
Crockett, William Hodges
Crouch, Ralph Houston
Curtis, Ralph Morrison
Daley, Thomas R.
Dennis, Benn G.
Devitt, Robert Floyd
Dewsnup, Ralph L.
Dodge, Martin J.
Douglas, Joseph E.
Douw, Volckert Petrus
Draper, James Frederick
Duffy, Leonard Vincent
Duval, Armon E.
Erickson, Robert
Evans, Arthur Bliss, Jr.
Faela, Sylvio
Falconet, Warren
Farmer, William L.
Faught, William S.
Faulconer, Warren G.
Finan, Francis K.
Fisher, William Henry
Fleming, Samuel H., Jr.
Forde, William I.
Frazier, Walter Humphries
Frazier, William L.
Freeman, Charles H.
Fuller, Ernest H.
Furr, Henry E.
Furr, Jean
Furr, William C.
Ford, Ernest Rogers
Gaumnitz, Rodney Edwin
George, Arthur Edward
Gibson, John Norman, Jr.
Gillenwaters, Ernest Orville, Jr.
Goforth, Robert H. H.
Gordon, Robert Bruce
Greenwood, George Hamilton
Grossman, John H.
Haggerty, David W.
Hall, James Warren
Halliday, George L.
Hankinson, Delry Miller
Hansen, Raymond Alfred
Harden, William J.
Harris, Clyde H.
Hartung, Robert Henry
Hatfield, Doyle E.
Hatton, Thomas H.
Hayes, James F.
Hayley, Colin
Hayward, John Paul
Heatwole, Floyd, E., Jr.
Henley, Eugene A.
Hensler, Stephen W.
Herndon, Roderick Halladay
Hey, Charles Henry, Jr.
Higgins, James A.
Hilghman, Morris H.
Hill, Claude Julian
Hively, Burley H.
Holmes, Grant W.
Hoover, Marrill Walter
Hopkins, Joseph H.
Hough, Romeyn B., Jr.
Howard, Richard G.
Howell, Richard T., Jr.
Huddle, Jack Adrian
Hughes, Cecil Clayton
Hutchison, Edward Jennings, Jr.
Iso, Jack, A.
Jessop, James
Johnson, Glenn Junior
Jones, Fletcher Hudson, Jr.
Jones, William E.
Jones, Wilton
Jordan, William Hathaway
Judd, Orville K.
Julicher, Henry A.
Junkins, Theodore R.
Kauffmann, John W., Jr.
Keene, Thomas Bradley
Keith, Chalmers C.
Kidwell, Orvis M.
King, Isaac Cissroy
King, Preston
Kisseleff, Jerome C.
Klett, Albert
Krieger, Emil Max
Kringel, Paul, F., Jr.
Latter, Marshall
Lawler, Charles Harold
Lawson, Marcellus H.
Lazenby, James W.
Leyden, John R.
Lind, Fred
Lindsay, Edward T.
Linkletter, George B.
Logan, James R.
Long, William A., Jr.
Lowe, Horace H.
Lumsden, William E.
Lyons, Raymond D.

Arlington Veterans Memorial second of two World War
II plaques, personal collection

MacDonald, Lawrence R.
MacNair, Thomas K.
McAvoy, William J.
McBroom, Leland A.
McConnell, George G.
McCracken, Arthur V.
McCrea, Donald H.
McGinnis, Lawrence G.
McMahan, John W. M.
McQuinn, Kenneth Warner
McWilliams, Irwin K.
Madigan, John Francis, Jr.
Malloy, Joseph, M.
Martin, Paul F.
Matthews, William F.
Medlock, Richard A.
Merritt, Harold J.
Messick, Roy Kirwan
Meyer, Paul M.
Michetti, Nicholas F.
Millan, William W., Jr.
Miller, Frank H.
Miller, Ray E.
Mills, Charles Robert
Mills, John H.
Mitchell, John L.
Molloy, Joseph M.
Montgomery, Jack Duryea
Mooney, Marion M.
Moore, Curtis Lee
Moore, Walter J., Jr.
Moreland, Russell Earl
Morgan, Paul L.
Morrison, Keith C.
Mott, Cyril D.
Muschlitz, Ralph Chapin
Musser, Samuel S.
Nason, W. G.
Nave, Frank Thomas
Nickerson, Foster G.
Noble, Charles M.
Nyce, Morgan Cromwell
Odom, Alfred F.
O'Steen, Albert Preston
Parker, Leonard Ward
Parnell, Bernard Clifford
Parrish, Edward Barney
Patterson, Joseph W., Jr.
Payne, Richard A.
Payne, William E.
Peek, William H.
Peete, James C.
Penuel, Pete
Phipps, Gordon D.
Pierce, Burt W.
Porter, Gordon S.
Post, Perkins G.
Pressley, Milton H., Jr.
Quinn, Lawrence
Rapp, Alfred M.
Reynolds, James H.
Rickey, George T.
Ridings, Naoma L.
Riely, Ralph Lee
Rimerman, Ben
Ringer, Joseph E.
Rinker, Louis H.
Roberts, David Wells
Roberts, Thomas F.
Rocky, Michael
Rodgers, Bert Jay
Ross, Logan, Jr.
Roy, Raymond L.
Rumshin, Robert
Rutledge, George W.
Sachleben, Philip
Sasser, Lewis Sneed, Jr.
Schroeder, Alfred R.
Schubert, Edward J.
Sellstrom, Clarence F.
Settles, Durwood Chestlee
Sheehan, James T.
Sheers, William P.
Sherbondy, Harry J.
Sherman, Robert A.
Sherr, Joseph R.
Sherwood, Reuel Edwin, II
Simpson, Eber E.
Sipes, James Simeon
Slack, Harry C.
Smith, Francis Bargeloh
Smith, Jack Thomas
Smith, James F.
Smith, Ralph Edwin
Smith, Samuel Dwight, Jr.
Snoots, William F.
Speer, Ralph A.
Spencer, Lynwood Fletcher
Sprouse, James W.
Stalcup, Benjamin S.
Steele, Aloysius W.
Stelle, Harold N.
Stevens, Francis R.
Stoutamyre, Thad
Swan, Daniel N.
Terry, DeWitt S.
Thompson, Robert E.
Tinker, Clarence L., Jr.
Tittle, William Crozer
Tomlin, Frank E.
Tyner, Donald C.
Tyrrell, Wilson E.
Voncannon, Watkins P.
Von Holtzendorff, J. D.
Wagoner, Jay H.
Walker, Crichton T.
Walker, George Harry, II
Wall, Hubert F., Jr.
Walton, Carroll Lynwood
Ward, Wdwin Maurice, Jr.
Watkins, Robert A.
Webb, Donald G.
Weeder, Paul L.
Weikel, John H.
Westcott, John A.
White, Robert L.
Williams, Clair Taylor
Williams, Edward I.
Williams, Paul H.
Willis, James M.
Wilson, William J.
Wimbish, O'Dell
Wince, Dale F., Jr.
Winfield, Gene Tunney
Winfield, Melvin Thomas
Winn, Horace J.
Woodruff, Charles E.
Woodruff, Walter W., Jr.
Wright, Clarence A.
Wright, John A.
Zachman, Eugene Crampton

Korea and Vietnam Plaque

Arlington County Veteran Memorial Korea and Vietnam
plaque; personal collection

casualties incurred
by United States
military personnel
in connection with
the conflict in


Bearse, Ramon C., Jr. -- U.S. Army
Betz, DeWitt -- U.S. Army
Branhan, Jack -- U.S. Army
Breeden, Harry B. -- U.S. Army
Caldwell, James C. -- U.S. Army
Chamberlain, John L. -- U.S. Army
Christensen, Val D. -- U.S. Army
Coers, Burt N. -- U.S. Army
Dove, Henry L. -- U.S. Army
Ebert, Robert D. -- U.S. Army
Halliday, Clarence -- U.S. Army
Harris, Lawrence -- U.S. Army
Jackson, Irvin L. -- U.S. Army
Long, Emmett N. -- U.S. Air Force
Lovell, John R. -- U.S. Air Force
Loyd, Frank R., Jr. -- U.S. Army
Martin, James -- U.S. Army
McAfee, Raymond D.
McCullough, Richard -- U.S. Army
Meier, Arnold -- U.S. Army
Moore, James E. -- U.S. Army
Moriarty, Donald F. -- U.S. Army
Nadeau, Kenneth D. -- U.S. Army
Ogden, Howard A. -- U.S. Army
Ortenzi, Carlo J. -- U.S. Army
Petsche, Charles W. -- U.S. Army
Phillips, Denny P. -- U.S. Army
Sholes, Ervin S. -- U.S. Army
Shute, David W. -- U.S. Army
Skinger, Henry J. -- U.S. Army
Smith, Garrard L. D. -- U.S. Army
Tompkins, Daniel D. -- U.S. Army
Van Bremen, Wilbur -- U.S. Army
Walton, Lucius P. -- U.S. Air Force
Wently, David C. -- U.S. Army
Winter, Frederick W. -- U.S. Army
Youngman, Wilbur H., Jr., -- U.S. Marine Corps


Angle, Peter J. -- U.S. Army
Bohrer, LeRoy P. -- U.S. Air Force
Bowlin, Paul M. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Bove, Rober G. -- U.S. Navy
Browning, Perry N. -- U.S. Army
Byrd, George E. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Campbell, Keith A.  -- U.S. Army
Castelda, Andrew T.  -- U.S. Army
Cressel, Terry W.  -- U.S. Army
Deverall, George N.  -- U.S. Army
Faught, William A., Jr.  -- U.S. Army
Field, Michael F.  -- U.S. Army
Fleming, Thomas R. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Fulcher, John H. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Ginn, James M.  -- U.S. Army
Grimes, John L.  -- U.S. Army
Hall, Blucher R. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Hammerbeck, Ed. C. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Harrison, Daniel W.  -- U.S. Army
Hayes, Thomas J., IV  -- U.S. Army
Hoagland, Jeffrey K. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Hollifield, Roger D.  -- U.S. Army
Hood, James G.  -- U.S. Army
Howard, Harley M.  -- U.S. Army
Hoy, Robert E.  -- U.S. Army
Hunter, James D.  -- U.S. Army
Jones, Raymond P. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Jones, Robert H. O. -- U.S. Air Force
Kellas, Robert L. -- U.S. Army
Kramer, Stephen A. -- U.S. Army
Krimont, Nicholas -- U.S. Army
Larson, Gary W. -- U.S. Army
Lattimore, Charles, Jr.  -- U.S. Army
Lotridge, Gerald S.  -- U.S. Army
McKibbin, Hugh R., Jr.  -- U.S. Army
McLarson, Thomas T. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Miller, John E.  -- U.S. Army
Nixon, John A. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Pascoe, Robert E. -- U.S. Air Force
Remeikas, Joseph J., Jr.  -- U.S. Army
Risinger, Paul W.  -- U.S. Army
Slaughter, William S.  -- U.S. Army
Smith, Rodney H.  -- U.S. Army
Snead, Leonard H., Jr.  -- U.S. Army
Stancil, Gregory H. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Sticher, John T.  -- U.S. Army
Tolley, Lee G.  -- U.S. Army
Tully, Robert E. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Webster, David -- U.S. Marine Corps
Whikhart, Mark A.  -- U.S. Army
Williams, David M.  -- U.S. Army
Williamson, David T.  -- U.S. Army

War on Terrorism

Arlington Veterans Memorial War on Terrorism plaque; personal collection

In memory of those from Arlington County, Va
who sacrificed their lives for their county


Coti-Sears, Niall W. -- U.S. Marine Corps
Kuligowski, Adam M. -- U.S. Army
Walton, James J. -- U.S. Army


Baldwin, Joel E. -- U.S. Navy
Cassidy, Michael P. -- U.S. Army
O'Connor, Sean P. -- U.S. Army

This post was written as a contribution to the Honor Roll Project, which was created by Heather Wilkinson Rojo, author of Nutfield Genealogy.


  1. Under vietnam veterans the typed list should read william a faught,jr.

    1. Thank you very much! I have made the correction.

    2. You might have changed the wrong list. My comment is for the Vietnam list. It has not been corrected.

    3. I believe I've made the right correction this time. Thank you for pointing out I had not fixed the error. Sometimes my close up photos are difficult to read because of sun glare -- but that's no excuse for editing the wrong name. Sorry!

  2. Thank you for your reply. I have been researching the names on this panel and tracking them to which Arlington high school they attended and their class year. You can also contact me at . Thirty-five graduates of high schools located in Arlington County died in Vietnam, twenty-eight of their names are on this memorial. Six did not list Arlington as their come of record, one was mia and identified after the panel was cast in a foundry. Please carry on with your good work.

    1. Wow! You've been able to find out a lot of information about the names on the Vietnam plaque! Very impressive. I'm always pleased when I am photographing honor roll memorials to see Vietnam included.

  3. Thank you for such an interesting article. 

  4. The korean war plaque contains 37 names. The typed list contains 36 names and is missing Raymond D. Mc Afee.

    1. I have updated the Korean War list to include McAfee, Raymond D. Thank you for the correction.

  5. Please add U.S.Army for McAfee. Thank you
