
Friday, July 15, 2016

Slave Name Roll Project: Releasing Milla

My three times great grandmother was Anna Mariah (Waldron/Walrond), married John W. Jennings, Sr. The Waldron/Walrond family can be confusing. There were three men named Benjamin Walrond living in Virginia in 1810. Two of them were father and son and third married John W. Jennings' sister, Elizabeth. In the course of trying to untangle these three men, a long-time Walrond family researcher sent me the following transcription of a Pittyslvania County, Virginia, deed.

Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Deed Dated: 30 January 1797
Deed Recorded: 19 June 1797
Book 11, page 97

Grantor: Benjamin Walrond [NOTE: He was born before 1765 and died before 1820; married to 1) Elizabeth (maiden name unknown) and 2) Lucy Ellington.]

Grantee: Beloved children, Polly and Sally Walrond for the price of love and affection and good will.

Item Deeded: one negro girl named MILLA about 13 years old and her increase, and whatever property may hereafter be lotted to me of the estate of Jeremiah Ellington, deceased, be the same land or other property.

Witness: Thomas Tanner, Jesse Bupray, and David Ellington

Signed: Benjamin Walrond

[Jeremiah Ellington was the father of Benjamin's second wife, Lucy (Ellington) Walrond]

Did John W. Jennings (c1777-1858) Marry His Niece?

Slave Name Roll Project

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