
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Slave of James O. Taylor

James O. Taylor was born in 1825 in Virginia. He married my sister-in-law's four times great aunt, Mary Ann Z. Tucker, and died on 10 September 1860 in Terrell County, Georgia. He wrote his will on 20 August 1860 less than a month before he died.

State of Georgia
Terrell County

In the name of God, amen. I James O. Taylor of said State and County knowing that I must shortly depart this life I deem it right and proper both as regards my family and myself that I should make a disposition of the property with which a kind Provider has blessed me, therefore make this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others heretofore made by me.

Item the first. I desire and direct that all my just debts be paid without delay by my Executors herein after appointed.

Item the second. I give and bequeath and devise to my beloved wife, Mary Z., all my property both real and personal including everything which I may be possessed of during her lifetime provided she does not marry and if she marries she can keep it all by her and her husband giving bond with good security for the forthcoming of said property at her death to be disposed of as herein directed. Never [illegible] she can [illegible] said property or a sufficiency of it so far as her own comfort and necessity may require.

Item the third. I devise and direct that my negro boy WILLIE, about ten years old, be sold by my Executors after my wife, Mary Ann's death and equally divided between Martha M. Tucker and Lucy A. Tucker[1].

Item the forth. I desire and direct that Elijah Tucker[2], son of John H. Tucker, have fifty dollars out of my estate.

Item the fifth. I desire and direct that if my wife should have a child or children by a future husband then and in that case said child or children shall come in and share as follows --

Will of James O. Taylor; image courtesy of

Item the sixth. I desire and direct that after my wife, Mary Ann Z., breech or on failure of her and her future husband giving bond and security as required in the second Item that then all my property then remaining be sold by my Executors and divided and divided as follows: I desire and direct that Jesse Tucker and John Tucker sons of Thomas Tucker and my sister Frances Morris Samuel Morris Johnston Morris Robert Morris William Morris and such children as my wife Mary Ann Z. may have by any future husband, shall share thus, the said Jesse Tucker and John Tucker shall have two thirds of said estate and my sister Frances Morris six youngest children as above named to have one third of my estate to be equally divided amongst said youngest six children provided my wife has no children but if she has child or children then they come in and receive and equal share with said Jesse and John and my sister Frances Morris six children as aforesaid the said six children standing as one heir or legatee.

Item the seventh. I desire and direct that if my wife Mary Ann Z. should marry and fail to give bond and security as required in the second Item, the the heirs or legatees which I have willed my property to shall give bond and security to my said wife to furnish her with such an amount or property or money as she may choose as will make her reasonably comfortable during her life. All the said legatees to furnish her with equal in proportions to what they receive from said estate.

Item the eighth. I desire and direct that if either Jesse Tucker or John Tucker should die without [illegible] or a wife then the property shall be divided amongst the other legatees in proportion as I have willed my estate.

Item the ninth. I hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife Mary Ann Z. Execturix and my worthy friend Jesse Tucker John Tucker and Samuel Morris Executors of this my last will and testament and if the said Samuel Morris should die before executing this will then I hereby appoint the next oldest of his brothers which may then be living this 20th day of August 1860.

James O. Taylor

Signed sealed declared published by James O. Taylor as his last will and testament in the presence of us the said scribers who subscribed our names hereto in the presence of said Testator at his special insistence and request and of each other this August 20th 1860.

R. C. Martin
Chas. E. Hayner
Samuel Denton [illegible initials]

Recorded 15th day of October 1860.

[illegible signature]
Ordinary Terrell County

[1] Martha M. Tucker (born about 1847) and Lucy Ann Tucker (1850-1888)were sisters of James' wife, Mary Ann Z. Tucker. 
[2] Elijah Washington Tucker (1857-1936), nephew of James O. Taylor.

Slave Name Roll Project

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