
Monday, March 27, 2017

Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: List of His Publications

Continued from the Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Some of His Death Bed Exercises

This is from Chapter XVII of the memoirs of Rev. David Rice, which were included in An Outline of the History of the Church in the State of Kentucky, During a Period of Forty Years by Robert Hamilton Bishop and published in 1824.

To do good to the souls of men, and to do good by bringing plain practical truth before the mind, was the great object of Mr. Rice's life. This is peculiarly the character of his writings. The state of society in which his lot was cast did not afford him much time or many opportunities for study -- yet the opportunities which he had were improved, and when he considered himself called upon by Providence to speak for his Master through the Press, he was ready.

His publications were:
  1. An Essay on Baptism, 1789 -- This was probably the first pamphlet which was written in Kentucky. It was printed in Baltimore.
  2. A Lecture on Divine Decrees, 1791.
  3. Slavery inconsistent with Justice and Policy, 1792.
  4. A Sermon at the opening of the Synod of Kentucky, 1803.
  5. An Epistle to the Citizens of Kentucky professing Christianity, especially those that are or have been denominated Presbyterians, 1805.
  6. A Second Epistle, &tc. &tc. 1808, And,
  7. Letters on the evidences, nature, and effects of Christianity -- composed for the use of his sons, in 1812, in the 79th year of his age -- and published in the Weekly Recorder for 1814.
Mr. Rice was born in 1733, and died in 1816, aged 83 years.

He was licensed in 1762, aged 29 years. He labored in Virginia 21 years. He lived in Kentucky 32 years, and labored there 30 years.

When in health he preached not only once, and twice, and sometimes three ties, on every Sabbath, but also frequently on week days -- say, at an average, thrice every week.

The whole of his active ministry may be said to have been fifty years, and fifty Sabbaths in every year make two thousand five hundred. This number doubled will probably give nearly the number of sermons or set discourses delivered by him on the great concerns of eternity.

Say that for two thousand Sabbaths of his life, five heard him each time for the last time, and you have ten thousand immortals, who heard the message of salvation for the last time from the mouth of father Rice. Gospel hearer, and preacher of the gospel, it is an awful thought, that in every worshipping assembly, however small, there is probably some one hearing the message of salvation for the last time -- and that very few assemblies on the Sabbath will ever again all meet in any one place, till they meet before the judgment seat!

Making the average number of hearers for two thousand Sabbaths only fifyy, and you have the number of one hundred thousand. And taking into view the extent of country over which Mr. Rice's stated labors were spread, the fluctuating state of society, and the journeys of fifty years, one hundred thousand will not be too large a number for the amount of the different individuals to who he made a tender of salvation. And to every one of these this gospel was, without a single exception, the savor of life unto life, or of death unto death. And a very large portion of these had departed and rendered their account before the departure of father Rice.

Reader, whosoever thou art, they account is also soon to be rendered -- and the account of thy Sabbath days will be particularly required.

This is the last chapter of Rev. David Rice's memoirs except for several appendices.

Rev. David Rice (1733-1816) was my fifth great grandfather.

Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Some of His Death Bed Excercises
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: The Part He Took in National and State Affairs
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Last Years of His Life
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Resigns His Pastoral Charge and Retires
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: A Little Reviving in the Midst of Bondage
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Secret Exercises
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Character of Some of the First Preachers in Kentucky
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: State of Religion in Kentucky
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: He Moves to Kentucky
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: His Comfort and Success among the Peaks of Otter
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Scene of His First Labors
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Devotes of Himself to the Ministry
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Introduction of the Gospel into Virginia
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Relief Obtained
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Further Convictions
Memoirs of Rev. David Rice: Birth, Parentage, and First Convictions 
Preparing for the Revolutionary War
Pray Together, Stay Together
Apostle of Kentucky

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