
Monday, June 26, 2017

Family Memories of John Campbell Smith (1806-1888): Smith Aunts and Uncles

Continued from Family Memories of John Campbell Smith (1806-1888): Campbell Aunts and Uncles

I believe Grandmother and Grandfather [Smith] had nine children, three boys and six girls.

Jeremiah Molton Smith (before 1765-after 1817)
Uncle Jeremiah Molton Smith I believe was the oldest. He had two wives, the first bore him seven or eight children and his last wife three. Two or three of his first wife's children got killed in a flax patch, the lag of a tree falling on them and wounded another making him a cripple for life. His name was William Forbis Smith. He married Miss Rickett and I think they have five children. Uncle Jeremiah's oldest daughter's name was Betsy and she married David Cruise. The next named Polly and the next Anna. She married James Parke, the eldest son of Joseph Parke, my wife's father. The next oldest girl's name was Peggy. She married a man by the name of Courtney. The names of the children of uncle's last wife are Susannah, Elvira, and George. After Uncle's death, which took place soon after Grandfather Smith's, his last wife married a second time to a man by the name of Absolum Smith. The last I heard of them they were living in the State of Tennessee.

Thomas Smith (1765-unkinown)
Uncle Thomas Smith was younger than my father[1] and he moved to Missouri and was a Methodist class leader. His children's names are not recollected except Jerry, Bill and Thomas.

Luraner Mary Smith (1774-unknown)
Aunt Luraner married John Taylor, a stout raw-boned man. They raised a large family and I cannot distinctly remember the children's names except George. They had a good farm in Casey County, Kentucky, but Uncle John had a quarrel with a man and being very strong struck the man with his fist and killed him. There upon he left that county and died shortly after with fever. Aunt Luraner went partially deranged as I have been informed.

Dicey Smith (1785-unknown)
Aunt Disy [Dicey] married John Laswell. Their children's names are as follows: Ally married Joshua Davis; Betsey married Jo Welch; William married Sally Welch first and second Elender Parks; Nancy married Daniel Propes; Moses marred Mariah Rickits; Luraner married John Reeves; Andrew married Billy Crewes; John Ahart married Lucinda Kessler; Ellen married Elexus Campbell; Polly married John Dickson. Uncle John has gone to his long home, but Aunt Disy still remains upon the land of the living. She is a very large woman and a midwife. I saw her at my sister's since I commenced this essay in the winter of 1848. She is a member of the Christian Church (commonly called Campbellites.)

Jane "Jinny" Smith (1787-unknown)
Aunt Jinny married Jo Con and the last I knew of them they were keeping a tavern on the Wabash.

Frances "Fanky" Smith (1789-unknown)
Aunt Franky Smith married Samuel Lafferty and second John Ausbin and their Joseph Parke. They have all gone to try the realities of eternity and she is a widow at this time. She never had any children by her first and second husbands but by her third she has five living besides some have died. The children's names are as follows: Thomas, Timothy, Shipton, Charles, Jo Right, and Martha Seaper. Aunt is a Methodist and I think a very good woman. She is living on the water of Marrowbone in Monroe County.

John Campbell Smith was born on 19 March 1806 in Barren County, Kentucky. He was a second generation Kentuckian as his grandparents had migrated west after the Revolutionary War. He is also the great grandson of Robert "the Elder" Mitchell (1714-1799), my five times great grandfather. Between 1848 and 1876, John wrote about his memories of his family. The document is the property of David S. Peden and was scanned using optical character recognition technology and then edited by Jack A. Laswell, Sr. I am indebted to them for making the electronic version available to other descendants of the Campbell, Enos, Mitchell, Shropshire, Smith, and Street families.

[1] If the marriage record has the correct year of birth Thomas is older than his brother William "Whole America" Smith.

Family Memories of John Campbell Smith (1806-1888): Campbell Aunts and Uncles

Family Memories of John Campbell Smith (1806-1888): Grandparents
Robert Mitchell, the Elder
Kidnapped by Indians

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