
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Honor Roll: Washington Park, Troy, New York

Washington Park was established in Troy, New York in 1840. It is one of only two privately owned urban ornamental parks in New York State. Along the wrought iron fence is an honor roll memorial to the men of the city's Eighth Ward who served in World War I.

World War I

World War I Troy 8th Ward Honor Roll, Washington Park,
Troy, New York; personal collection

Roll of Honor
Tribute to the
Soldiers, Sailors and Marines
from the
Eighth Ward
Who Served their Country in the World War

Augustus T. Battaglio
Myer Bellman
Simon Bickweat
Louis Bobbin
James F. Boyland, Jr.*
Edward Bowe
John Bracken
Thomas Brennan
George Burke
Chester Burkin
John Burkin
Frank Carey
Joseph Carey
James F. Carroll
John Carroll
Edward Case
James Castle
Vincent Chileo
Alfred Cohen
Ellis Cohen
Eugene R. Collins
John Conners
Joseph Conners
Edward Cooper
Richard Conkery
Joseph L. Creagan*
George Croker
Henry Cushing
Morris Cushing
Samuel Cupo
Edward Degan
Jacob Dembo
George Demers
John Demers
Gioseppe Di George
John Dinowitz
Benjamin Dolgoff
Joseph Donaldo
Raffaello Donaldo
James Donnelly
William Downey
Andrew Driscoll
Thomas Driscoll
Joseph P. J. English

James Flanery
Richard Flanery
Thomas Flanery
James Foley
Edward H. Freeman
Raymond H. Freeman
Theodore H. Freeman
Joseph Germain
Ralph J. Germain
Joseph Godson
William Godson
Jacob Gordon
Saul Cantor Gordon
William Gorman
Lawrence Gregg
Thomas J. Gregg*
James E. Hall
John Hanlon
William Hanlon
Louis Harris
Frank Hartman
Thomas Hatcher
Marin Hayes
John J. Healy, Jr.
Francis A. Healy
William G. Healy
Leo I. Healy
Richard Henikie
Frank Hoffman
Fred Hoffman
Walter Hoffman
John J. Hynes
Joseph I. Jaffs
Benjamin Jersky
David Jersky
Morris Jersky
Philip Karp
John J. Kennedy
James F. F. Kennedy
Timothy Kennedy
John Kilfoyle
Thomas LaViolette
Adolph Lasker
John Lahane
W. A. Lee

Michael Lynch
Robert McCarthy
Thomas McCarthy
Thomas McGovern
James McNamara
Joseph McQueen
Charles A. MacArthur
Rupert J. Mahoney*
Patrick Malone
G. Mantello
Michael Maritz
Joseph E. Matera*
Dominick Mangione
William Mangione
Charles E. Markhan
Chester F. Markhan
Dominick Melo*
Samuel Mennen
Joseph M. Mesnig
William Miney
Edward A. Minogue
John Mitchell
Joseph Mitchell
John J. Moore
James H. Morrissey
William Morrissey
George H. Mulholland
Joseph B. Mulholland
Thomas Mulholland
Treanor Murray
Thomas Nevelle
William O'Brien
Daniel O'Day
Stephen O'Neil
Anthony Panza*
Louis Paul
Marice Pickett
John Pignatelo
Fred Popps
Charles Popps
Francis Powers
John J. Powers
George J. Plunkett
Bernard A. Roarke
John Roarke

Frank L. Roche
Benjamin Rosen
David Rosen
Benjamin Rosenthal
Anthony Rosenallo
Joseph L. Rosenholtz
Patrick H. Ryan
James R. J. Ruff*
Israel J. Sachnovitz
Harry A. Saperstein
Philip Saperstein
Irving J. Sharlot
Samuel Sharlot
John Sheary
Edward Sheeran
Harry Shaughnessy
George Subert
John E. Slattery
Joseph Stack
Samuel Stein
Edmund G. Spenard, Jr.
Peter Stellate
Hugh Taggart
Samuel Terk
Thomas Tunney
Anthony Tucci
William Turner
James C. Treanor
Louis F. Van Vleck
Alexander S. Van Santvoord
George Van Santvoord
Richard S. Van Santvoord
John J. Van Santvoord
Constantino Vescie
Salvetore Viole
Frank Walsh
Chester Ingersoll Warren*
James Waugh
William J. Weaver
Stanley Weiss
John T. Whalen
Michael F. Whalen*
Walter T. Whalen
Frank Woods
Arthur Zetto

*Died in service

"That Government of People,
By the People, for the people shall
Not Perish from the Earth."

A. Lincoln

This post was written as a contribution to the Honor Roll Project, which was created by Heather Wilkinson Rojo, author of Nutfield Genealogy.

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