
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Honor Roll: First Reformed Church Grounds, Coxsackie, New York

The Village of Coxsackie, is in the Town of Coxsackie, Greene County, New York. The name comes from the Native American word mak-kachs-hack-ing. It is generally translated as "hoot-owl place" or place of many owls. Peter Bronck[1] bought the land in 1661 for 150 guilders in beaver pelts. In 1947 the Coxsackievirus was named for the village after being isolated there during an outbreak in upstate New York. The Town of Coxsackie, of which the village is a part, was founded in 1788.

The World War II honor roll memorial is located at 280 Mansion Street next to the First Reformed Church.

World War II Honor Roll, Coxsackie, New York; personal collection

World War II

World War II
Honoring Those Who Served Our Country

Plaque A

World War II
Honor Roll

Adams, William A.
Albright, Donald C.
Albright, Erving E.
Alcuri, Patsy
Ames, Charles A.
Ames, Earl O.
Ames, Milton H.
Anderson, Hiram L.
Antetomaso, Louis
Armstrong, Donald
Armstrong, Roscoe H.
Bailey, Earl A.
Ballieul, Ferdinand A.
Barfoot, William Harvey
Barnes, Edward
Barron, Raymond
Beatty, Arthur, Jr.
Bechtoldt, Charles W.
Becker, Frederick
Bedell, Frank F.
Beecher, Raymond
Belanger, Archie
Bennett, Robert L.
Berlin, Otto
Berlinsky, Walter, J.
Berroth, Leonard H.
Berroth, Edward
Bogardus, Burton A.
Bogardus, Charles A.
Bogardus, Edward S.
Bogardus, Ernest R.
Bogardus, George W.
Bogardus, Robert
Bonacci, Charles P.
Bonacci, Michael
Boome, Herbert J.
Borst, Howard M.
Brandow, B. Neal
Brandow, Keith T.
Brandow, Paul E.
Brandow, Ralph H.
Bronk, Arthur E.
Brown, Katherine
Brown, Edward, Jr.
Bub, William
Buckoff, John
Buckoff, Peter
Bujak, Joseph L.
Burger, William A.
Burke, Thomas P.
Burns, Edward
Caldwell, Everett E.
Caldwell, Everett E.
Cameron, Irwin
Campoli, Barney
Campoli, Ralph
Campoli, Santo
Carroll, James, Jr.
Carter, Malcom G.
Carey, Seymour A.
Cary, Raymond P.
Cary, Richard F.
Casscles, James L.
Castle, W. C.
Chapman, Arthur L.
Chapman, James G.
Christensen, Olsen P.
Clark, Carl D.
Clark, James H.
Clementz, Rachel A.
Cohen, Harry
Colburn, Kenneth
Cole, Albert D., Jr.
Cole, Donald
Cole, Edwin H.
Cole, Ernest A.
Cole, Charles R.
Cole, Kinne W.
Colllier, Jhoiciam
Collins, Archbold F.
Collins, James J.
Coons, Floyd O.
Copleston, Jeremy M.
Cornwell, Warren
Costello, E. Kenneth
Costello, Raymond
Costello, Ronald
Couser, Sherwood
Cowan, Henry
Craw, Egbert
Craw, Robert R.
Crewell, Raymond H.
Cure, Raymond L.
Curtis, Leroy B.
Curtis, Ralph E.
Daley, Robert H.
Daley, Thomas
Daniels, William T.
Daoust, Alfred
Dardani, Alfred
Dardani, George J.
Dardani, John J.
Day, Donald M.
Deane, Burton A.
Decker, Frances H.
DeFrate, Francis W.
DeLong, Alpheus
Delp, L. Gordon
DePerna, Michael
Deubert, Helmut A.
Deyo, George W.
Deyo, Reginald
Deyoe, Frank
Dixon, Arthur C.
Dixon, Norman H.
Dollard, George
Dovidio, Nicholas F.
Dowling, William
Dralle, Arthur H. Jr.
Drojarski, George
Dufkin, George S.
Dufkin, William J.
Dunn, Russell
Dutcher, Charles
Edwards, Joseph H.
Eignor, Eugene
Fawcett, Stanley
Feldbin, Albert E.
Filkins, Robert M.
Finch, Howard W.
Finnegan, Patrick J.
Fitzgerald, Donal
Fitzpatrick, Josephine
Fitzpatrick, Henry
Flood, John F.
Flood, Charles E.
Florant, Hubert S.
Flynn, George
Flynn, John M.
Foley, Francis P.
Fox, John J.
Francis, George
Frances, William M.
Galasso, Vincent
Gardner, Norman C.
Gardner, Thomas M.
Gardner, William Donald
Gates, George
Gavin, Frank
Giammattei, Joseph
Giammattei, Rose
Gibson, Arthur A.
Griffiths, William H.
Gross, Clifford L.
Haas, Harry C.
Haines, Dayton B.
Hall, Harold S.
Hallenbeck, Edward C.
Hallenbeck, W. Harding

Plaque B

World War II
Honoring Those Who Served Our Country
Honor Roll

Killed in Action

Donald Albright
Milton Ames
Ferdinand Ballieul
Frank Deyoe

Harding Hallenbeck
Lawrence Hallenbeck
Earl Hotaling
John Irving
Lawrence Mattice

Charles Pieringer
Edward Reyngoudt
William Sysel
Roland Vincent

Hallenbeck, Lawrence E.
Hallenbeck, Stanley
Haller, Edward C.
Hallock, Floyd
Ham, Ira
Hamilton, Harry, Jr.
Hamilton, William C.
Harris, Altheas C.
Harris, Donald E.
Harris, Floyd K.
Harris, Nelson
Harter, Frank
Hille, Alvin
Hladik, Charles
Hodgkinson, Leonard
Hodgkinson, Warren
Hood, Alvin V.
Hood, George, Jr.
Hotaling, Aaron E.
Hotaling, Barney P.
Hotaling, Earl
Hotaling, Frederick T.
Hotaling, George E.
Hotaling, Ronald K.
Howell, William
Hoyer, Lucille
Hoyt, Ernest M.
Hughes, George
Hulbert, Howard A.
Hulbert, Kathryn M.
Hyman, Clifford E.
Irving, Charles A.
Irving, Howard W.
Irwin, Royal R.
Jackson, George
Jackson, William P.
Jenne, Harold R.
Jerome, Bevere J.
Jump, Leonard
Jump, Raymond D.
Kaiser, Walter
Kardum, Paul J.
Karnik, Joseph
Keleher, John C.
Keleher, William A.
Kelley, Edward
Kelley, Michael
Kendall, Vernon A.
Kennedy, James W.
Kinns, James W.
Kinns, Wilmont
Kniffen, George R.
Kolarik, Narney
Koskinen, Enio
Kozacek, Edward W.
Krivanek, Louis
Lambertson, William A.
Lammly, Erwin
Landon, John
La Porte, Bruno
La Porte, James T.
La Porte, John
Leary, William J.
Lombardi, Joseph F.
Longthon, Donald P.
Longthon, Paul T.
Lovelock, Dorothy E.
Lovelock, Edward
Lounsbery, Edward M., Jr.
Ludwig, Fred A., Jr.
Lynn, William N.
Madden, George W.
Maikoff, Daniel, Jr.
Malloy, James E.
Martin, Arthur C.
Martin, Carl
Mattice, Lawrence C.
Maugere, William J.
McCarthy, Clarence
McCarthy, John
McCarthy, Joseph F.
McCarthy, Mary
McCarthy, William
McCarthy, Everett
McClure, Marvin
McCormack, Edward
McCormack, Martin
McCoy, Charles M.
McCoy, John B.
McCoy, William F.
McDonald, Daniel S.
McGrath, Lawrence J.
McGuigan, William J.
McPartland, James S.
McPartland, Stephen F.
Meeker, Charles T.
Meier, Herman C.
Meier, Sophia
Meyer, Eugene C.
Miner, Harry O.
Misuraca, Dominic
Misuraca, James
Moon, Donald
Moorman, Eldred J.
Morgan, Edward J.
Mosely, Arthur P.
Mosely, Wayman M.
Mueller, Henry J.
Murphy, Daniel W.
Musso, Edmond P., Jr.
Nesbit, John
Neuhs, John W.
Newell, Carlton R.
Niver, Byron A.
Noeth, Joseph L.
Oatout, Muriel
O'Bryan, Augustine J.
O'Bryan, Francis
O'Bryan, Henry A.
Ondrek, John
Palmer, Earl W.
Palmer, Harry L.
Palmer, Hollis B.
Palmer, Richard N.
Palmer, Oliver H.
Palmer, Robert E.
Pantaleo, Julio C.
Pantaleo, Louis P.
Parker, Robert F.
Parks, A. Willis
Parslow, Ernest
Parslow, William D.
Penley, Donald W.
Perry, Robert
Pfeffer, Carl H.
Pfeffer, Dorothy
Pfeffer, John W.
Pickens, Donald
Pierce, Charles
Pierce, Donald G.
Pierce, Gerald
Pieringer, Charles F.
Pieringer, Paul J.
Price, Elmer
Price, Harold K.
Price, Kenneth E.
Price, Paul
Priest, Irving
Quigley, Donald F.
Quigley, J. Walter
Quinn, William J.
Rea, Edmund
Rea, Leonard H.
Regan, Stephen
Rehberg, Albert
Rehberg, Carl M.

Plaque C

World War II
Honor Roll

Rehberg, Carl M.
Reis, Julian
Reuben, Roger
Reyngoudt, Edward
Richtmeyer, Mary J.
Rider, William H.
Riley, oseph A.
Ritter, Frank C.
Rivenburg, Linsen C.
Roberts, Grover S.
Roddy, George
Rohleder, peter V.
Romer, Carl F.
Ross, Charles W., Jr.
Ross, Edward
Russell, Floyd
Russell, Ray
Russell, Robert W.
Ruzzi, Peter J., Jr.
Saccoccie, Frank
Saccoccie, Nicholas D.
Sager, Robert F.
Sax, Irving
Scarborough, Donald D.
Schermerhorn, Wilber
Schmeichel, Rudolf
Schmitt, John
Schoonmaker, Albert E.
Schoonmaker, William A., Jr.
Schubert, Erich
Schubert, Gertrude
Scott, Anthony
Scott, Ernest
Scott, Louis J.
Scott, Robert B.
Scott, Michael F., Jr.
Scott, Wiltsie C.
Seacord, Arnold
Searles, Elizabeth
Searles, Leonard
Selmer, George F.
Selmer, James
Selmer, Peter W.
Selmer, Robert E.
Seyler, William F.
Shear, George N.
Shepard, Robert
Sherman, Floyd R.
Sherman, Henry
Shields, Raymond F.
Shufelt, William R.
Sisco, Donald
Slattery, John T.
Slenzo, John J.
Smigen, Charles
Smigen, George A.
Smith, Andrew
Smith, Dayton B., Jr.
Smith, Donald
Smith, E. Payson, Jr.
Smith, George W.
Smith, Nelson
Smith, Richard J.
Smith, Zelda
Snow, Charles W.
Snyder, Paul
Sovak, Francis J.
Spagnolo, Gregory J.
Spaulding, Richard E.
Speenburgh, Alfred
Spickerman, Charles A., Jr.
Sportman, Frederick
Stankoviet, Joseph
Steele, Ferdinand
Steele, Irving
Steele, Sherwood
Steele, Willard
Stetkar, Edward
Stiles, Robert J.
Stinard, Charles
Straub, Charles
Stroud, Charles
Stroud, Ronald F.
Stroud, Walter
Stroud, Wilber E.
Stuart, Edward D.
Sullivan, Frank J.
Sutton, Russell G., Jr.
Swan, Frank
Sweet, George W.
Swyer, Louis
Sysel, William
Tarallo, Arthur P.
Tompkins, Clifford
Townley, Edison W.
Townley, Gerald R.
Townsend, Jane L.
Townsend, Robert, Jr.
Travis, Clarence W.
Tremmel, William E.
Tryon, Henry L.
Tschiemer, Robert
Tufano, James, Jr.
Tufts, Marion Koskinen
Turner, Jack
Van Alystyne, William J.
Van Bergen, Ralph
Van Denburgh, John
Van Deusen, Ralph D.
Van Hoesen, Nelson G.
Van Loan, Grant W., Jr.
Van Schaack, Claude, Jr.
Van Schaack, George B.
Van Schaack, Harold S.
Van Schaack, Richard K.
Van Valkenburgh, William J.
Van Wie, Charles P.
Van Wie, William
Van Zandt, Chester, Jr.
Van Zandt, Frank B.
Van Zandt, Richard
Vatalaro, Nicholas
Vincent, Richard
Vincent, Roland
Votta, Michael Thomas
Waldron, Morris
Waldron, Willard H.
Walker, Harold K.
Wallace, Floyd J., Jr.
Wanek, James C.
Warren, James A.
Warren, Leonard H.
Wells, James
West, Elmer C.
Williams, Francis
Williams, Ira
Wilkinson, James H.
Wilkinson, Wilbur I.
Wilsey, Albert C.
Wilsey, Clayton E.
Whitbeck, Elmer
Wilson, Morton F.
White, Henry M.
Whitmore, George
Woodward, Chester P.
Woodward, Robert O.
Wood, Kenneth W.
Wood, Sherman N.
Wood, Stanley A.
Wright, Judson
Yaguda, Norman
Yeomans, Leonard J.
Youmans, Kenneth L.
Youmans, Lansing D.
Youmans, Percy G.
Youmans, Theodore
Zamechnik, Joseph
Zavatone, Joseph
Zini, Lawrence

This post was written as a contribution to the Honor Roll Project, which was created by Heather Wilkinson Rojo, author of Nutfield Genealogy.

[1] Peter Bronck was the namesake for the Bronx borough of New York City.

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