
Monday, May 15, 2017

Honor Roll: Town of Stockbridge, Massachusetts: Village Green Veterans Memorials

The Town of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, in Berkshire County, was first settled in by English missionaries in 1734 as a mission to the Mahican Indians. The land for the town had been set aside for the tribe as a reward for their their assistance in the French and Indian Wars. The town was incorporated in 1739 and named Stockbridge after Stockbridge in Hampshire County, England. The agreement with the Indians that the land would never be sold was rescinded and despite the tribe's assistance in the Revolutionary War, they were relocated first to New York and then to Wisconsin. Stockbridge became a resort town with the advent of the railroad and has a long tradition as an art colony.

Personal collection

The honor roll memorials commemorating the service of the men and women who served in the military during times of war are located on the village green near the golf course.

World War I

Stockbridge World War I Honor Roll; personal collection

I apologize for the quality of the photograph. It was impossible to block the sun at the time of day we were in Stockbridge. As a result, I have the names but have not transcribed the text surrounding the names.

Franklin S. Adams
Klaas Akerboom
Albert B. Ames
Edward E. Backus
Nesbit H. Bangs
Louis D. Barnes
James W. Barry
Karl F. Bechtel
William H. Belden
Charles A. Bidwell
Edward W. Bligh
Harold H. Bolton
Edward W. Carey
Charles A. Clapper
Matthew F. Clapper
Walter L. Clark, Jr.
Henry Colleric
Clarence R. Cooper
Richard J. Corbett
Earl Crosby
Albert B. Cummings
Fred J. Cummings
William J. Cusack
John F. Daley
Ernest F. Doherty
Richard G. Donaldson
Edward M. Dooley
Martin Dooley
Fenton D. Drumm
Harold E. Drumm
Samuel W. Duffy
John T. Durkin
Archie Easland*
Joseph C. Farley
John F. Farrell
Thomas Farrell
Charles E. Fellows
James F. Foley
James F. Foley, Jr.
John T. Foley
James M. Gallagher
Michael F. Gallagher
Earl Gardner
Roy Gardner
Frank Gavin
Peter J. Gavin, Jr.
Philbert Germain
William J. Gilchrist
Frank Grande
Charles R. Gunn
Clifford W. Gunn
William B. Harkema
Allen W. Harrington, Jr.*
Arthur P. Healy
Carl J. Heath
Lorenzo Henry
Abner J. Higgins
Samuel J. Huggins
George Huyck
Charles E. Jones
William E. Kenny
Wenzel H. Krebs
Alfred E. Louison
John E. Lynch
John M. Lynch
Joseph F. Lynch
James L. Macken
Joseph V. Macken
Michael F. Macken
Harold W. Markham
Robert W. Martin
Felix J. McCann
Francis Meaney
Allan M. Mercer
Henry J. Moran
John P. Morse
Thomas J. Mucahy
James F. Mullaney
John J. Mullaney
Harold S. Murphy*
John F. Murphy, Jr.
Timothy Murphy
Loyall A. Osborne, Jr.
Emily Bates Patterson
Irving H. Peck
Russell Pixley
Frank E. Punderson
Roland Rathbun
Walter N. Schneyer
William E. Schneyer
George G. Searing
Harry M. Searing
John W. Sliter
Harry L. Smith
Thomas J. Sullivan
Francis J. Tracy
Heaton I. Treadway
Wolcott C. Treat
Charles W. Wade
Nelson S. Wade*
Arthur M. Walker
Frank H. White*
Harold L. Williams
John Willis
William Wolfe
William P. Wookey
Howard Wright
Walter Wright
Leroy Ziegler

World War II

Stockbridge World War II Honor Roll (first stone); personal collection

Charles H. Acton
Rachel T. Adams
Robert E. Adams
George J. Anderson
Warren Anderson*
William J. Anthony
Richard Atherton
John Bergen
Bolton Bangs
Nesbitt H. Bangs, Jr.
William L. Bangs
Adam M. Barenski
Joseph P. Barenski
Sadie Barenski Marcus
George H. Barnes
Hugh L. Barnes, Jr.
Max A. Barnes, Jr.
Henry M. Bartlett
Ernest Beacco
John A. Beacco
William A. Beacco
William T. Belden
Frederick W. Bell
Louis H. Bell
Neil L. Bentley
Leo Blunt
David H. Bodnar
Alexander D. Bonak
Benjamin F. Bonak
Chester Z. Bonak
Stanley J. Bonak
Charles E. Bonniver
William C. Boyd
Robert E. Bracknell
David F. Braman
Ernest T. Brazee
Kenneth H. Brazee
Francis F. Brazee
Francis J. Brazie
Richard I. Brazie
William H. Breed*
Walter J. Brennan
Ruth A. Buck
John T. Budzinski, Jr.
Daniel J. Cahill
Donald E. Campbell
Paul M. Campbell
Henry E. Church
Charles Clucas
Donal B. Coleman
Patricial Coleman Warner
Andrew Cooper
G. Ruel Cooper
Karl G. Cooper
Raymond M. Cooper
William P. Cooper
Henry J. Cordes
Harol F. Corson
Norman Crandell
Ronald K. Cummings
Maurice M. Decker, Jr.
William A. Deppe
Charles C. Derrick
Ira M. Dixson
Franklyn Downing*
Frederick W. Downs
Francis J. Drake
Donald R. Drew
Jeannett I. Dupuy
Edward C. Ebitz
Francis J. Ebitz
Paul Eckenfels
Lyle J. Erdmann
Solomon Ewing, Jr.
Clarence W. Finkle
Frederick V. Finkle
William J. Flynn
Milliage S. A. Forbes*
Clement O. Ford
Edward Forfa
Edward L. Forrest*
Philip Forsythe
Edwin D. Fountain
Wellington A. French
George M. French, Jr.
Charles J. Glavin, Jr.
James I. Glavin
Daniel A. Gleize
Julian F. Gleize
William J. Gorman
Jay Gould
F. Myron Gray
Vaughn S. Gray
Alfred E. Green
Primo J. Grossetti
A. George Guerrieri
Mario A. Guierrieri
Douglas R. Hall
Ernest W. Hall
Enneth M. Hall
Lloyd E. Harkema
Stanley E. Harrod
Warren J. Haywood
Cortland F. Heath
Matt W. Hellman
Lorenzo Henry
Clarence Hopkins
Dwight E. Hopkins
Woodrow W. Hopkins
Allen E. Huggins
Joseph L. Huggins
William R. Huggins
Edward A. J. Johnson
Owen D. Johnson
Clarence C. Kickery
Weyman W. Kickery
William H. Kickery
William N. Kickery
James F. Kiley
Bernard D. Killfoile
Daniel Killfoile
Edward L. Killfoile
Edward M. Killfoile
Eugene E. Killfoile
Lawrence D. Killfoile

*Died in service

Stockbridge World War II Honor Roll (second stone); personal collection

Elford A. King
Robert J. King
Bernard M. Kinsella
Gordon J. Kinsella*
Raymond C. Kinsella
Paul Klein
Philip A. Klein
Stanley B. Koldys, Jr.
Anthony S. Koloski
Charles J. Koloski
Frank W. Koloski
Eugene Kraszeski
Leo Kraszeski
George J. Lake
Everett F. Lapham
Durwood S. LaPointe
E. James Lawton
Gordon E. Lewis
Harold E. Lewis
William F. London
Stanley P. Loomis
Gilbert S. Love
Lawrence Love
Mason B. Love
Myron M. Love
Robert B. Love
David L. Luke, III
John Luke
Lohn C. Lynch
Gilbert MacClintic
James L. Macken, Jr.
William M. Macken
William E. Mahan
Joseph T Malumphy
Howard  S. Manning
Carlyn W. Markham
Clayton W. Markham
Irving F. Markham
John D. Martin
John L. McCabe
John P. McDonnell
M. Charlotte McDonne
Francis J. Meany, Jr.
Dwight A. Merrell
John A. Miller
Charles Richardson Moffatt
Veron R. Morley
Franklin W. Munn*
Thomas H. Murphy, Jr.
Edward E. Murray
Allan R. Noble
John C. Obanhein
William J. Obanhein
Charles E. O'Brien
Howard C. O'Brien
Lawrence A. O'Brien
Marshall R. O'Brien
Edward W. Opperman
Kenneth A. Opperman
Norman V. Opperman, Jr.
Adam J. Osak
Theodore H. Osak
Hugh I. Page, Sr.
Bernard J. Perri
Francis L. Pilling
Glenn D. Pilling
Frank R. Pixley
Goerge R. Pixley
Gordon J. Pixley
Harold G. Pixley
John F. Pixley
Oliver W. Pixley
John T. Post
Robert C. Ranig
William E. Rathbun
Witold Rodzinski
John W. Rose
Henry G. Roucoulet
McA. Donald Ryan
William H. Ryan
Paul E. Roy
Anthony M. Slavadore*
George W. Schneyer
William A. Schneyer
Harry L. Searing
Nathan M. Shaw, Jr.
William J. Sheridan
William E. Smith
Joseph E. Snelgrove*
Irwin R. Prott
John P. Stafford
John Stanish
Richard D. Stephenson*
John F. Stern
Louis B. Stewart
John Sweet
Joseph W. Sweet
George F. Tansey, Jr.
Seldon I. Taylor
Charles E. Tenney
Raymond M. Tenney*
Robert E. Tenney
Ralph H. Tinker, Jr.
Lawrence V. Tolle
Marcel E. Touponce
Raymond A. Touponce
J. Murray Tracy
Royal W. Teadway
Edward Trepcynski
Harry Trepcynski
George A. Truran
David Van Deusen
John Van Nagell
Nelson S. Wade
Wilfred H. Wagner
Gerald Wellspeak
Alfred L. White
Edmund G. Wilcox
Grahm D. Wilcox, Jr.
Philip C. Wilcox
H. Edwin Williams
Robert G. Williams
Edward R. Wilson

* Died in service

Korean Conflict

Stockbridge Korean Conflict Honor Roll; personal collection

Donald Carr
Richard J. Clemens
John J. Davis
Elton A. Drummond, Jr.
Robert W. Dunne
George E. Emerson, Jr.
Julian F. Gleize
L. John Green
David L. Gunn, Jr.
Robert A. Hall
Bruce L. Decker
Donald H. Haywood
Michael Homich
Reginald J. Huggins
Victor J. Kulas
Donald W. Lawrence
Chauncey Loomis
John McL. Loomis
Alvin N. McCann
Carlton E. McCormick
Gilbert E. McCormick
Charles R. Mercier
Cornelius J. Obanhein
Stanley J. Osak
Bartlett A. Pitney, Jr.
William E. Rathbun
David A. C. Richardson
David B. Ross
Timothy F. Soule
Orville M. Trepania, Jr.*
Ernest H. Wade
John C. White, Jr.

Vietnam War

Stockbridge Vietnam War Honor Roll; personal collection

Peter A. Acly
Donald A. Beebe, Jr.
Bruce J. Brazee
Dighton M. Brazee, III
Gary A. Brazee
Robert J. Brazee
George Brazie
Charles T. Bryden
Barry B. Bunnell
Frederick J. Bunnell
Michael Burow
Paul V. Campbell
Bruce S. Campetti
Donald Carr
Joseph T. Carr
William R. Codwise
Donald W. Coleman
Frederick B. Coleman, II
Joseph J. Czaja
F. James Dolson, III
Kenneth F. Dunne
Raymond Ebbets
Brian J. Flynn
Henry R. Ford, Jr.
Harold P. French, Jr.
William E. French
Julian F. Gleize
Donald F. Goudey
John J. Goudey
Thomas P. Goudey
Kenneth W. Hadsell, Jr.
Peter B. Hadsell
William R. Hall
Douglas A. Hamling
Gerald E. Hamling
R. Ira Hare
Robert A. Holmes
William B. Holmes
John G. Hopkins
Edward W. Iacobacci
Robert L. Kay
Richard D. Killfoile
Richard H. Mauke
Andre J. Mercier
Cyrus C. Moore
Raymond B. Murray, III
Thomas Bateson Musgrave
Arthur M. Nelson
O. James Noon
Dennis M. O'Brien
Clement M. Ogden
Edward W. Oppermann, Jr.
Louis J. Peyron
Glenn D. Pilling, Jr.
Gregory M. Pilling
Eugene T. Pitney
William T. Price
Dale T. Read
David Robertson
J. Martin Salvadore
Clinton E. Schneyer, Jr.
George W. Schneyer, Jr.
Bernard J. Shaw
Robert L. Sinico
Gordon D. Soule
Dixon S. Sprott
Kevin L. Warner
Lawrence N. Webster
William E. Whitaker
Bruce D. Wilcox
Richard B. Wilcox
James Williams
Alexander Williamson
Charles D. Williamson
Donald R. Wood, Jr.

This post was written as a contribution to the Honor Roll Project, which was created by Heather Wilkinson Rojo, author of Nutfield Genealogy.

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