
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Honor Roll: Town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, World War I Memorial

The Town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, in Berkshire County, includes the villages of Van Duesenville and Housatonic. Great Barrington was first settled in 1726. During the Revolutionary War, Henry Knox passed through the town while transporting the canon from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston during the siege of Boston. He was so impressed, he later established agricultural interests in the area.

There are several war memorials, but we only photographed the one honor roll. The War Memorial had these words inscribed:

You Stand Free because They Served

In Everlasting Memory and Tribute to the
Men and Women of Great Barrington
Who, in Defense of their Country and the
Human Rights of Mankind, Served with Honor
and Distinction in the Armed Forces of the
United States of America

World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam

May their Devotion to Duty Remain
an Inspiring Legacy to Future Generations

The Civil War Memorial had these words inscribed:

A Tribute of Honor
And Gratitude to Her
Citizens Who Fought
For Liberty and Union

Erected by the Town
of Great Barrington

World War I

The World War I honor roll is located on the courthouse grounds.

Great Barrington and Housatonic World War I Honor
Roll; personal collection

Erected November 11th 1936
by the School Children
of Great Barrington and Housatonic
in honor of the 359 Men and Women
Who Served Their Country
in the World War

Abel, Harrison G.
Ackerman, Arthur P.
Adams, Ernest W.
Alcott, Bruce
Alcott, Darrell
Alcott, Hillard
Ambach, Raymond G.
Andrews, Harry
Arienti, Charles P.
Arienti, Henry L.
Atwood, Wallace E.
Axtell, Edward W.
Axtell, Howard C.
Bailey, Francis A.
Bailly, George A.
Bailly, Henry J.
Banach, Keonery
Barszez, Frank
Barnum, Clarence
Barnum, Elson Frank
Barry, Francis E.
Baumann, Thomas E.
Bell, Charles R.
Bellows, Paul R.
Benjamin, Andrew K.
Bennett, George
Benton, Stanley P.
Berridge, John F.
Bertoli, Jesse
Bertolini, Antonio
Besanceney, Eugene
Bignal, John Clandis
Bignal, Walter A.
Billings, Harry L.
Birdsey, Charles E.
Black, Harry H.
Bourke, William J.
Broderick, Douglas T.
Broderick, John P.
Broderick, William J.
Brochon, Emile J.
Brochon, Eugene L.
Brochon, Louis E.*
Broggio, John
Brown, Cleveland C.
Brown, George T.
Brown, Nelson L.
Brown, William J.
Buczinski, Sigmund
Caligari, Eugene B.
Cannon, James H.
Carlotto, John
Carraher, Francis B.
Casey, John E.
Cavanaugh, Dr. M. T.
Cerati, John L.
Church, George
Clark, Robert E.
Cleary, John M.
Cobb, Charles W.
Coleman, Alfred H.
Coleman, Hugh H. L.
Collins, Sheldon C.
Comstock, F. G. T. J.*
Comstock, Fred G.
Comstock, Glenville
Comstock, John P.
Condon, Charles
Condon, William H.
Condry, James C.
Connelly, Timothy J.
Connelly, William J.
Cornell, Fred H.
Costello, Ludwig A.
Crine, John E.
Crine, Wallace
Cronin, John J.
Cronin, Joseph H.
Crotty, Charles H.
Crotty, Edward J.*
Curran, Matthew J.
De Bell, John M.
Dell'Ava, Eugene
De Mouge, Seb'n P., Jr.
Dewey, William F.
Dezak, Wladyslaw
Dindinger, John Louis
Donovan, John K.
Donvan, Russell J.
Doon, James, Jr.
Dovey, William D.
Drumm, Earl H.
Duncan, Guy C.
Dunn, Francis
Dunn, Joseph C.
Durant, George Church
Egan, James
Eichorn, Clarence P.
Elsden, Robert W.
Evans, George E.*
Everison, Chris
Ey, George C.
Faivre, Herman H.
Faivre, Louis
Faivre, Marcel J.
Faivre, William
Farr, Joseph
Farrell, Thomas J.
Ferguson, Raymond M.
Ferry, William H.
Finkle, Ernest M.
Foley, James F., 2nd
Foster, Karl M.
Foster, Paul W.
Franklin, William T.
French, Charles M.
Fuller, Robert D.
Gearity, John
Genebra, Vivian
George, Amen B.
Gianesini, John
Giddings, Frank E., Jr.
Gillette, Newman V.
Gillette, Walter F.
Geowey, Ralph H.
Goodyear, W. V.
Goccia, Alfred*
Graham, William M.
Grant, Harold E.
Gregory, Charles N.
Grehan, Charles N.
Grehan, Daniel
Grehan, John
Grotti, Anthony C.
Hackett, Ives A.
Hanna, James David
Harlinski, William
Harmon, George A.
Hatch, Jay A.
Hayes, Joseph Benj.
Hessler, William F.
Hewitt, Clarence N.
Hewitt, S. Ferris H.
Hicox, Herman
Hines, Patrick J.*
Hobrandleur, Frank
Holmes, Charles H.
Holmes, John H.
Holohan, Edward P.
Hopkins, Edward F.
Houghtaling, Allen H.
Houghtaling, Irving K.
Howley, Michael J.
Iemolini, Camillo
Iemolini, Louis A.
Johnson, Henry E.
Joyner, Herbert N.
Judd, John L.
Kastner, Edward
Keefner, Benjamin
Kelly, Francis J.
Kerner, oward S.
 Kimberley, Ralph W.
Kinne, Horace M.
Kinne, W. Earle
Kinnell, Alexander
Kline, Floyd M.
Knight, Cyrus L.
Knox, John O. B.
Lambert, James A.
Lamont, Raymond
Lamont, William A.
Lane, John E.
Lane, Mortimer
Lape, Leo W.
Larkin, Thomas M.
Lawrence, Archibald
Leary, Timothy H., Jr.*
Leavitt, H. W.
Lee, Florence I.
Lekas, Peter
Lester, Harold G.
Ley, Louis A.
Lindley, Franklin G.
Love, David
Luscian, Andrew L.
Mackie, Thomas T.
Mahar, Edmund T.
Mallory, C. T. J.
Malumphy, Edward J.*
Malumphy, Thomas L.
Malumphy, William M.
Mancini, Quint
Marquis, Marcel
Martin, Robert W.
Masten, Henry J.
Mazur, Adam
McComb, Malcolm
McCormick, Harold
McCormick, John E.
McCoy, Terence J.
McDermott, Chester E.
McDermott, John B.
McGowan, James W.
McGraw, Edward T.
McGuire, Henry E.
McHugh, Joseph E.
McTigue, Michael
McTigue, Thomas R.
Mead, Edward
Mercer, Allen M.
Metcalfe, Fred
Miascek, Henry
Milani, William D.
Mitchell, Donald
Mitchell, Russell
Mizzoni, Marco
Mogan, James F.
Montague, Richard B.
Moore, Lionel R.
Mulally, John W.
Muller, Louis C.
Murphy, Harold S.*
Murphy, John E.
Murphy, John F.
Murphy, Timothy
Murray, John J.
Murray, William J.
New, John C.
Nicholas, Charles M.
Nielsen, George T.
Nocher, Peter
Noonan, John T.
Norton, Charles P.
Norton, Harry J.
O'Brien, Richard J.
O'Brien, Wallace A.*
O'Connor, Dr. A. M.
O'Hara, Charles H.
O'Neill, Michael J.
Osterling, William
Palltini, Quinto
Palmer, Oliver
Paris, Alfred*
Parks, Silas H.
Parsons, William R.
Pautot, Emil
Pendergast, Wm. L.
Pendlebury, Earl
Pendlebury, Theo. G.
Peretti, Peter
Perry, Lester
Frank, Peruff, Frank
Peters, Dr. John D.
Peterson, Clyde
Peterson, John M.
Pfeiffer, Karl N.
Phelps, Arnold C.
Phelps, Sanford W.
Pierson, Donald
Pixley, Robert H.
Poppe, H. F.
Potter, John E.
Powell, Mildred
Pratt, Dwight Harold
Proper, Myron P.
Rathbun, Harry
Reed, Alfred S.
Reed, Charles
Reed, Harry L.
Remington, D. Colman
Rewey, Ralph A.
Richard, Vincent W.
Richards, Edward W.
Richards, William H.
Riche, Leon L.
Riche, Paul J.
Richmond, Donald E.
Richmond, Howard K.
Roche, Almon K.
Rohan, James F.
Rohan, Joseph
Rohan, William J.
Ross, Edward
Roy, Raymond A.
Safaholm, Joseph S.
Salzmann, Artur
Schulze, Otto K.
Scott, Edward J.
Seeley, Harold K.
Smith, Jennie A.
Smith, Joseph F.
Smith, Morton A.
Smith, William H.
Spencer, William J. B.
Stachilek, Stanislaw
Stanley, Clarence
Stanley, Gilbert
Stanley, Leonard L.
Stanley, William W.
Stansbury, Henry G.
Stephenson, Charle L.
Stephenson, Eliz. J.
Sterl, Carl W.
Stevens, Michell L.
Stickles, John L.
Stiles, W. Burling
St. James, Robert P.
St. John, George Edw.
St. John, Robert J.
Stoddard, Louis G.
Story, Harold E.
Sullivan, Thomas
Supernaugh, Robert J.
Sutton, Allan
Syskonski, Peter
Tanner, Fred
Teggi, Thomas L.
Thatcher, Carl D.
Thompson, Harold
Tomcikoski, Antonio
Toolin, Thomas F.
Trumpfeller, Herb. M.
Trumpfeller, Rob T. J.
Turner, William A.
Van Alstyne, W. G.
Van Deusen, Charles A.
Van Deusen, George W.
Vigezzi, John
Viola, John F.
Vosburgh, Roy D.
Washaleski, Tony
Welch, George J.
Welch, James T.
Welch, John H.
Welch, William C.
Wells, Roy
Wexson, Herman Jr.
Whalen, M. Curtin
Wheeler, Merritt J.
Wheeler, Morgan L.
Wheeler, Robert K.
Whitcomb, Robert
White, Frank Halroyd
White, George L.
White, Paul C.
Wilcox, Everett
Winchell, Ellis
Wolcott, William B.
Woodstock, Daniel
Wool, Joseph
Wright, David S.
Wylie, Alexander, Jr.
Wylie, James Kerr
Zaski, Adolph
Zaski, Bruno
Zegata, John
Zerbato, Angelo V.
Zucco, Angelo L.

*Died in service

This post was written as a contribution to the Honor Roll Project, which was created by Heather Wilkinson Rojo, author of Nutfield Genealogy.

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