
Thursday, March 22, 2018

52 Ancestors #12: John Beard (c1705-1780): A Man of Means

Ancestor: John Beard, six times great grandfather
Haplogroup: I-M253

Today, I begin writing about my Beard ancestors and the families allied to them through marriage. John Beard was the three times great grandfather of my great grandmother, Effie (Beard) Jennings.

Beard Direct Ancestors with Allied Families (Ancestral Reference Number System
identifier in lower left corner); created using Microsoft PowerPoint

When I took over Dad's genealogical research, Dad had recently discovered the maiden name of his grandmother, Effie, and that she had been born in Bedford County. He did not know who her parents were. In 2013 my brothers and I took the autosomal DNA test offered by Ancestry. One of the first matches I was able to resolve that did not have an already identified common shared ancestor was to a family tree with extensive information about the Beard family. That tree and others provided direction to my Beard family research and eventually I was able to prove my descent from John Beard (1705-1780).

Peter Viemeister, author of From Slaves to Satellites, had this to say about John Beard:

"John Beard's grandfather, Richard Beard, had come to Virginia back in the 1600s...John and son Adam Beard were paying taxes in this region as early as 1748, before Bedford became a distinct county apart from Lunenburg. John was a man of considerable resources: the evaluation of his estate revealed him to be worth several million in today's terms."

Peaks of Otter and the Town of Liberty, Edward Beyer, oil on canvas; courtesy

Later Viemeister wrote, "The Beards brought British heritage..." Did Viemeister mean the Beards were English?

A different theory of Beard origins, and one to which I subscribe, indicates they were Scots and perhaps John's grandfather took what became known as the Great Wagon Road through the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and eventually he or his descendants settled in Lunenberg County. Later Beard descendants were members of a Presbyterian church and they intermarried into Scots-Irish families in the area. The Presbyterian Church was the national church of Scotland at the time and had been for several years when John Beard was born.

It is not known where John Beard was born or exactly what year. Some secondary sources indicate he was born between 1705 and 1710 and that his father was named Matthew.  A possible land record indicated he was the son of Thomas. John married a woman named Elizabeth, but her maiden name is not known. They had several children, including one son. When John Beard settled in Lunenburg County, it was frontier country. The settlements developed by European Americans were widely scattered. The settlers worked hard to clear land and establish productive farms.

In 1750 John deeded 150 acres on Reedy Creek to William Rutherford "for love and affection I have for my "son-in-law." In 1755 John sold 400 acres to his son-in-law Edward Phair. The land was described as lying on both sides of Falling River including the mouth of Reedy Creek beginning at John Manley's corner.

In 1761 John, his wife, Elizabeth, and their son, Adam, were co-founders of the Peaks of Otter Presbyterian Church.

John and Elizabeth Beard likely furnished supplies to the patriot cause during the Revolutionary War. Several of John and Elizabeth's grandsons fought in the war, including David, Samuel and Adam Beard, Jr., who all served in the Virginia Militia. Samuel Beard also served in the Continental Army.

John Beard's only son, Adam Beard, who had been appointed Constable of Bedford County and had a reputation for "good sense and responsibility,"[1] died sometime December 1777. Adam's wife died the early next year. John's daughter, Hannah (Beard) Rutherford and Rachel (Beard) Phair were also deceased. When John wrote his will on 20 April 1780, he felt it necessary to provide for his grandchildren.

Primogeniture was still law in Virginia in 1780 so the eldest son of John's only son, Adam, should have inherited John Beard's land. Primogeniture only included real estate, or land, and John's will bequeathed his personal property to his his children and grandchildren. 

Last Will and Testament of John Beard; courtesy

In the name of God Amen. I John Beard of Bedford County and Commonwealth of Virginia being weak of body but of perfect mind and memory blessed by God, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do this twentieth day of April in the year of one thousand seven hundred and eighty make and declare this to be my last will and testament in form and manner following. Viz.

And first I give and recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the Earth to be lived in a Christian manner. At the discretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and touching such worldly goods and estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give and bequeath in the manner following. That is to say --

First I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Beard my true and loving wife my negro woman Moll during her life and after her death I give and bequeath said wench to my granddaughter Elizabeth Campbell and I give and bequeath my negro Will to my daughter Elizabeth Campbell. I give and bequeath my negro boy to Isabel Boze[2] my granddaughter. I will and bequeath also my negro boy Jacob to my granddaughter Rosannah Russell. I will and bequeath also my negro girl Nell to my granddaughter Jean Rutherford. I also leave to Edward Phair my former son in law the sum of five shillings. Unto my grandson David Beard I leave the sum of five shillings as also to my granddaughter Rachel Dixon the sum of five shillings. To my grandson Samuel Beard the sum of five shillings. To my grandson Adam Beard, five shillings. To my granddaughter Rachel Robinson I leave my loom with the tacklings [?] thereto belonging. I like mays bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth Beard my negro man Dik and the whole of my moveable estate not before divided such as my stock, household furniture, etc., during her life and to be divided at her discretion at her death whom I likewise appoint as also my daughter Elizabeth Campbell Executrix of this my last will and testament and I also do hereby renounce all former wills made by me or for me. In witness hereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

John Beard (his mark)

Thomas W. Reynolds
Charles Hall
James Campbell

At a court held for Bedford County the 26th day of Nov 1780:
This last will and testament of John Beard deceased was proved by the oath of Thomas W. Reynolds, Charles Hall and James Campbell witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Elizabeth Beard __________ the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto certificate is granted her for obtaining probate in due form giving security whereupon she together with James Campbell, Charles Hall and Archibald Campbell her securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in penalty of one hundred thousand pounds for the said Executrix due faithful administration of the said decedent's estate and performance of his will.


J. Steptoe

I have not yet found the remaining documents of John Beard's probate package. According to Peter Viemeister, "John had been a very wealthy man. He had sold 2,106 acres of Bedford land between 1775 and 1779, most of which he had acquired before Bedford became a separate county. His estate was valued at 35,466.10 pounds sterling. In terms of equivalent amount of silver, the estate would be worth today between $2.6 and $7.9 million."

This is my entry for Amy Johnson Crow's 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. The theme for this week was "Misfortune," which I did not follow.

Using the Ancestral Reference Numbering System, John Beard is Ancestor number 288 on my family tree:

288 John Beard born about 1705 in Virginia; died before 26 November 1780 when will was proved in Bedford County, Virginia; married Elizabeth maiden name unknown.

144 Adam Beard born in 1725 in Virginia; died between 2 and 6 December 1777 in Bedford County, Virginia; married Elizabeth maiden name unknown.

288.1 Agnes Beard born on an unknown date; died on an unknown date likely in Burke County, North Carolina; married William Rutherford, widower of sister, Hannah.[3]

288.2 Rachel Beard born 1730 in Lunenburg County (now Bedford), Virginia; died before 1790 when her husband remarried; married Edward "Neddy" Phair in 1748 in Lynchburg, Virginia.

288.3 Hannah Beard born about 1735 in Virginia; died about 1755 in Virginia; first wife of William Rutherford (see sister, Agnes).[3]

288.4 Elizabeth Beard born on an unknown date in Virginia; died after 1780 in Virginia; married Archibald Campbell on an unknown date likely in Virginia.

There may be another daughter named Alce (not Alice) Beard who married Henry Brown, but she has not been proved to be a daughter of John Beard and the Brown children were not mentioned in John's will.

[1] Viemeister, Peter. From Slaves to Satellites: 250 Years of Changing Times on a Virginia Farm, (Bedford, VA: Hamilton's, 1999), pages 21-22.
[2] This was Isabel Rutherford, daughter of William Rutherford and Agnes Beard. She married Shadrach Boaz.
[3] A note on John Beard (1705-1780), former DAR Patriot, indicates that Hannah and Agnes were the same person and the correct name was Agnes.

Ancestry DNA and Finding a New Cousin, Tangled Roots and Trees (accessed 7 Mar 2018)
Beard, Irene. History of Adam Beard and His Descendants, (Salt Lake City: UT, Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982), pages 1-93.
Deed Book A-1, Bedford Deed books, citing John Beard and Edward Phair, 24 Nov 1755.
Family Data Collection-Births, (database), John Beard, born 1705, Virginia, father Matthew Beard (accessed 17 Nov 2013).
Family Data Collection-Deaths, (database) Ancestry.comJohn Beard, died 26 Nov 1780, Bedford County, Virginia (accessed 17 Nov 2013).
Family Data Collection-Births, (database), Rachel Beard, born 1730, Virginia (accessed 17 Nov 2013)
Genealogical Research Service, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Ancestor A008059, David Beard (accessed 18 Mar 2018).
Genealogical Research Service, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Ancestor A008062, Elizabeth X Beard (accessed 18 Mar 2018).
Genealogical Research Service, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Ancestor A008077, John Beard (accessed 18 Mar 2018).
Genealogical Research Service, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Ancestor A008084, Samuel Beard (accessed 18 Mar 2018).
Great Wagon Road, Wikipedia (accessed 7 Mar 2018).
Interactive Map of Virginia County Formation History, Map of the U.S. (accessed 7 Mar 2018).
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (compiler), Lineage Book, Vol. 158, (Washington, DC: NSDAR, 1920), page 231.
Pharr, Henry Newton, Pharrs and Farrs with Other Descendants from Five Scotch-Irish Pioneers in America, (Salem, MA: Higginson Book Company, 1955, pages235-237.
Prichard, A. M. Mead Relations, (Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1933), pages 99-102 
Primogeniture and Succession, Bob's Genealogy File Cabinet (accessed 9 Mar 2018)
Slaves of John Beard (1705-1780 of Bedford County, VA, Tangled Roots and Trees (accessed 7 Mar 2018)
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1590-1900 (database),, John Beard and Elizabeth (accessed 17 Nov 2013).
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1590-1900 (database),, William Rutherford and Agnes Beard, Virginia (accessed 17 Nov 2013)
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1590-1900 (database),, William Rutherford and Hannah Beard, Virginia (accessed 18 Nov 2013)
U.S. Sons of the American Revolution Applications, 1889-1970 (database and images), Henry Brown (?-?), SAR Membership 40644 (accessed 18 Nov 2013)
U.S. Sons of the American Revolution Applications, 1889-1970 (database and images), John Beard c1710-1780, died Bedford County, Virginia, father of Hannah Beard (accessed 17 Nov 2013).
Viemeister, Peter. From Slaves to Satellites: 250 Years of Changing Times on a Virginia Farm, (Bedford, VA: Hamilton's, 1999), pages 14-15, 20-24.
Virginia Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1983 (database and images),, Adam Beard, 23 March 1778, Bedford County, Virginia, citing Will Books Vol. 1 1763-1787, images 193-194 (accessed 3 Jan 2018).
Virginia Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1983 (database and images),, Elizabeth Beard, 23 Mar 1778, Bedford County Virginia, citing Will Books Vol. 1 1763-1787, image 194 (accessed 3 Jan 2018).
Virginia Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1983 (database and images), Ancestry.comJohn Beard, 26 Nov 1780, Bedford County, Virginia, citing Will Books Vol. 1 1763-1787), image 246 (accessed 3 Jan 2018).

Who's Your Daddy, Adam Beard?
Beard and Jennings: More Interconnected than I Thought
The Court Case Regarding the Slaves of Mary (Mitchell) Beard
Proving James Harvey Beard's Father
Slaves of John Beard (1705-1780) of Bedford County, Virginia
The Court Doth Adjudge, Order and Decree
The Mother Nobody Knew
George Washington Spoke to Him
Ancestry DNA and Finding a New Cousin

The enslaved named in the last will and testament of John Beard have previously been released to the Slave Name Roll Project. If you learn about named slaves in documents about your ancestors, I hope you will consider contributing.


  1. Schalene, I'm intrigued by your Beard line and wonder if we might share a connection.

    I've been doing a lot of research into my 5th great-grandfather Thomas Kirk (1778-1846). There's speculation, although no evidence I've seen to-date, that Margret (Kirk) Beard was his sister. Born in 1758, she was quite a bit older than him, so I wonder if they were aunt and nephew (if indeed related at all).

    Margret was married to John Beard (1759-1814). They are both buried in Licking County, Ohio in plots not too far from my Thomas Kirk.

    I haven't done research myself to confirm John's ancestry, so don't have information on past generations. Any chance these names appear as characters in your family's story?

    1. Several of John Beard's descendants migrated west but mostly to Iowa. I don't have your Thomas Kirk or Margaret (Kirk) Beard in my tree, but I will keep my eyes peeled as I worked on the extended Beard tree frequently due to DNA matches.
