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City of Amsterdam Honor Roll, Amsterdam, New York; personal collection |
In Memoriam
Amsterdam World War I Veterans
Abeling, Frederick L.
Adams, Alfred J.
Agnew, Harold
Aiken, John Patrick
Akin, David Sanford
Albrecht, Louis
Alexander, Lawrence A.
Allen, Lee M.
Altorio, Louis
Anderson, Archibald D.
Austin, Henry
Baier Jr., Charles J.
Baldine, Peter
Baldwin, Russell C.
Barkhuff, Harold C.
Barnell, Charles
Barrone, Frank
Bates, Charles N.
Bergen, James T.
Bianchi, Louis
Biscotti, Anthony
Bishop, Clifton H.
Blinsinger, Stephen C.
Boerner, George A.
Bonomo, Michael
Bostwick, John B.
Bradt, Guy E.
Brayman, Harold
Brown, Elmer
Brown, John L.
Brown, T. Forrest
Bucci, Charles
Bufo, Arthur
Burba, John J.
Bursese, Dominick
Cady, William J.
Calahan, Leo A.
Campbell, Louis N.
Capel, Peter
Carbonelli, Michael M.
Carero, Dr. Anton
Carney, Thomas J.
Carp, Stanley J.
Carretta, Joseph
Carretta, William
Carriola, Louis
Carriola, Peter
Casolini, Louis
Cassetta, Nicholas
Casteso, Antonio
Cavaliere, Nicholas
Cerini, Michael
Charles II, William B.
Checca, Cisberto
Christman, George E.
Christman, Henry O.
Clark, Theodore M.
Coessens, Matthew
Collins, John T.
Colson, John E.
Colts, Charles
Condello, Anthony
Constantino, Anthony
Constantino, John
Coratti, Agostino
Corcoran, James J.
Cosentino, Anthony
Costello, Dominick
Covey, Floyd R.
Crawford, Walter
Cross, Thomas J.
Curran, John P.
D'Arienzo, Anthony
D'Arienzo, Frank
Dashell, Edwin A.
Davis, Perry K.
Decatur, Beecher E.
Della Posta, Frank
Desorbo, Alexander
Destefano, Frank
Devine, James T.
Dilello, Sylvester
Diovisalvi, Michael
Disibio, Michael
Dixon, Clarence A.
Donlon, Hugh P.
Duncovich, Frank
Ehmke, Ernest W.
Fabozzi, Nicholas
Fallova, Pasquale
Falso, Sabatino
Famia, Frank
Famularo, Joseph
Febbie, Alexander
Felton, Anthony
Ferdico, Joseph
Ferrari, Augusto
Filiberto, Anthony
Firth, William F.
Follett, Edgar S.
Fontana, Frank
Frank, Horace
Frascatore, Ben
Fratangelo, Michael
French, John M.
Frenz, William
Friello, Giacomo
Frisch, Walter C.
Furman, Andrew
Fusco, Frank
Gage, Leland H.
Galietta, James
Gambardella, Vincenzo
Gardinier, Edgar W.
Gargiulo, John
Gentile, Peter
Gielily, Joseph
Giell, John Hooper
Gillis, James W.
Glasier, Benjamin L.
Goodman, Leland A.
Gordon, Harold
Gray, Harold C.
Greco, Anthony
Greco, John
Greco, Quirino
Greene, William T.
Guarino, Joseph
Habla, Charles
Harrison, Robert J.
Hawkins, Dana
Hickok, Arthur D.
Hopkins, James W.
Hout, John William
Howlan, Frank A.
Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, John
Hughes, Clarence J.
Hughes, Edward W.
Iacono, Anthony
Jiombottisti, John
Johnson, Chester L.
Johnson, Raymond
Juchli, Dr. Rene Hardy
Kane, James A.
Kaufman, Edward E.
Kaupelis, Joseph
Kearney, Bernard J.
Kelly, Russell L.
Kelly, William E.
Kennedy, Peter F.
Kerbelis, Michael
Key Jr., Frank
Kinney, Edward R.
Kinum, William G.
Knight, Chandler S.
Kobieszewski, Felix
Konetchy, Teddy
Kowalski, Joseph
Kromforth, Herman F.
Kruger Jr., Emil
Krupzack, Albert J.
Lagreca, John
Leonard, William F.
Liddle II, John
Litynski, Albert L.
Litynski, John
Logan, Raymond D.
Lombardi, Annunziato
Lombardi, Dr. N. T.
Louri, Joseph
Luciano, William
Ludwick, Raymond O.
MacDonald, Daniel
MacHalls, Harry
Mahoney, Joseph E.
Maloney, Veronica RN
Mantone, James
Marcellino, Thomas
Marcinkiewicz, George
Amsterdam World War I Veterans
Marinelli, Thomas
Markes, Fred
Markes, Robert
Maroney, William B.
Marro, Joseph
Martini, Vitaliani
Martuscello, Frank
Martuscello, Joseph
Mason, Dominick
Masto, Emil
Mau, Leonard P.
Mazur, Joseph
McCarthy, James A.
McGahan, Thomas E.
McGuigan, Thomas A.
McGuigan, William P.
McKittrick, William B.
McQuade, John
Meola, Nicholas
Merry, John H.
Michalczak, John
Miller, Harold F.
Minisci, Damiano
Montano, Carl
Morabito, John
Morrell, Nicholas
Morrell, Ralph
Morrison, Elmer H.
Morrow, Joseph
Mulford, Charles
Munn, Alois I.
Nelson, Samuel V.
Newland, Charles
Nicholas, Martin W.
Nicholas, William F.
Nichols, Desmond F.
Nichols, Lawrence F.
Nichols, RaymondV.
Niemczyk, John J.Olander, Stephen
Orapello, Joseph
Ormsby, E. Harrison
Orth, William J.
Pabis, Theodore
Pagliaro, Ralph
Palamyra, Martin
Palmatier, Clarence E.
Palmer, Thomas
Palumbo, Louis
Pantalone, Louis
Papa, Ensilo
Pepe, James
Pepe, Samuel
Perillo, Angelo
Peters, Clarence
Peters, Edward W.
Peters, Peter
Petruccione, Angelo
Pettingill, Lillian
Pettiti, Albert
Phillips, Nilus P.
Phoenix, Ernest T.
Piazza, Dominick
Pilchen, George A.
Pingitore, Frank
Politano Jr., Frank
Politano, Pasquale C.
Pompi, Vincent
Powers, William J.
Provenzano, Salvatore
Putman, Harry D.
Quackenbush, James P.
Quiri, Robert
Quist, Frederick H.
Reed, Samuel J.
Reiff, William C.
Reisler, Clarence P.
Richards, Henry G.
Rippepi, Joseph
Robertiello, Felix
Robusto, Vito P.
Rock, Andrew
Rogers, Frank M. S.
Rogers, Joseph V.
Rogers, Kenneth S.
Rogers, Peter J.
Romiti, Vincenzo
Rose, Ralph
Ruck, Louis E.
Ryderowicz, Frank
Sagarese, John
Sagarese, Joseph
Salamack, Barney
Salce, Antonio
Salvatore, Michael
Salvatore, Joseph
Sandusky, Frank
Sandy, Anthony L.
Sapia, Joseph
Sapone, Anthony
Araceni, Nicholas
Saullo, Raffaele
Savoy, Fred
Schotte, Henry F.
Schultz, Ivan F.
Schwem, Fred
Seabury, Raymond B.
Selby, Ralph T.
Shelly, William
Shuttleworth, Howard
Shuttleworth, Wright
Simiele, Carmine
Simiele, Michael
Slater, Harold
Small, George
Small, James
Smeallie, James Donald
Smeallie, John Morris
Smith, Bert C.
Smith Frederick H.
Smith, Merrill D.
Smith, Victor P.
Smith, Willard R.
Sochin, Alexander
Soodal, Albert
Sparagno, Antonio
Stanley, Francis
Starke, Edward E.
Starke, William H.
Stellato, Anthony
Stevens, William E.
Stewart, William A.
Stolarczyk, Alexander
Stover, Charles
Strack, William B.
Swart, Clarence J.
Swart, James H.
Symeolon, John P.
Tallman, Edwin
Tambasco, Frank S.
Tambucci, Joseph
Tarmey, John J.
Taylor, Ray
Terwilleger, Orville
Tesiero, Bartley
Tesiero, John
Tesiero, Thomas R.
Thackrah Jr., Benjamin
Tomasello, Anthony J.
Topping, John
Topping, Thomas
Traver, Louis F.
Turner, Thomas
Ulrich, Alfred
Uncher, Henry
Vanderhoof, William D.
Vecchiarelli, Nicholas
Vigliotti, Gennaro
Visconti, Anthony
Ward, Joseph T.
Waterman, Frederick H.
Webb, William
Weineger, Frank
Weyl, Robert C.
Whitney, Harry D.
Whitney, Wilbur S.
Wiencek, Pietro
Wilson, John
Winkel, Anthony
Wright, Edmund G.
Wszolek, John A.
Wszolek, Joseph
Wyzykowski, William
Wyzyomirski, John J.
Yazum, Frank
Zaro, Anthony
Zierak, Stephen A.
Zigmont, Stanislaw
Zotti, Nicholas
Zumbolo, Frank
Zysik, Teophil J.
World War Veterans
Who Have Died Since Nov 11, 1918
Emil Ahnert
Joseph F. Aiken
Herman Aldi
Henry Antonucci
William Bazilauskas
Cuthbert Beard
Vincent Boscaino
Joseph Brown
George Bussing
Anthony Castellessi
W. Ceternarowski
Clarence B. Cleveland
Vincent Czelkiewicz
Vincenzo DeLorenzo
Wilbur Dennis
John Di Blase
Vincenzo DiGiuseppe
William Donato
Carmine Doti
Francis E. Dwyer
Joseph Dylong
E. Earl
Peter Falla
Dr. Lew H. Finch
Bernard Fineran
Florence Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald
Harry Fitzgerlad
James H. Fitzgerlad
Charles F. Foss
Lewis C. Frank
George Gagen
George Gagne
Charles Gagne, Jr.
George A. Geiger
Thomas Gill
James F. Gilligan
Salvatore Giuffre
Felix Gizelbach
Fred Glamm, Jr.
John Gledhill
Alvin C. Goetz
James Goodwin
George Gourlay
Marcello Greco
John H. Green
Guiseppe Guisto
Michael Hamill
Raymond Hammond
Herbert L. Hart
Stephen Heiser
Frank Hovemeyer
Donato Juilano
Alfred M. Kaupelis
Joseph Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Raymond M. Kilbourn
Allen Kimball
Bessie Kimball, RN
Walter Klingbeil
John Korona
Wlachaw Kozemiewski
William Lansing
Anthony Lombardi
John Lyons
Dominick Manginelli
J. Maz
Wesley McNeill
Joseph Michalowski
Everard Miner
Robert Moore
Ralph I. Patterson
Warren Prell
Joseph Richards
Frank G. Rogers
Louis W. Rowe
Frank Rzesos
John Sagatis
Carl Salmon, Sr.
John Salvatore
Phillip San Fillippo
Frank Scheckton
C. Schwenm
Lewis W. Sharp, Sr.
David Siegenthaler
Ernesto Spediacci
Cornadino Sprone
Felix Stephens
George Stevens
Paolo Tavarelli
William C. Tonko
John Trzaskos
Joseph Turo
Lawrence Valley
Frank Voight
Frank Volpe
Judson T. Wells
Howard Whyland
Alex Wienskowsky
Albert Wojcik
Peter Wojcik
Frank Wormer
World War Veterans
Who Have Died Since Nov. 11.1918
Fred Arendt
Earl Ayers
Joseph Bazaar
George Bremer
Frank L. Bush
Joseph Chimick
Edward J. Conrad
Joseph A. Coyle
Augustus Crotte
Thomas T. Dugan
Marcellus Duncovich
William J. Dwyer
James Faurot
Patrick J. Fitzgibbons
Joseph Fufford
John H. Gagen, Jr.
Kenneth Gates
Angelo Gaugiello
Albert Geiger
Nelson Gibeau
Charles Giuffre
James E. Going
Daniel Greco
Guiseppe Greco
Marin J. Green
Raymond F. Green
Henry E. Greene
Elmer Gottschalk
John Eller Groat
Richard J. Guinlan
Robert Albert Hall
John Hanson
Wilbur T. Harnish
William J. Harrison
Harold P. Harrower
Robert L. Hart
Clarence E. Hartig
Ellsworth G. Hayner
William E. Heffernan
William L. Hendricks
William Herman
Howard F. R. Hill
Almon P. Hotaling
Herman W. Karker
William Kaufman
George Keizik
Anthony Keriker
Felix Kilbert
John King
Frank Kosik
Stanislaus Krupowski
John Jordon
Willard LaBahn
Michael F. Lape
William LaRowe
Andrew H. Larson
Raymond Liddane
Felix Logan
Harold M. Logan
Maurice Lynch, Jr.
Samuel Mailloux
Mariano Mastrianni
John McCleary
Robert F. McCune
Mikola J. Mikruta
Arthur J. Mitchell
Charles Morozas
Joseph E. Morrell
William Mournighan
John A. Mullarkey
Francis Mullen
Stanley Nelson
Edmund J. Nolan
Thomas O'Brien
Arsilo Papa
Homer F. Pirie
Charles Plodziszewski
Edward Quinn
Emmett Radford
Grover Rich
Charles E. Riding
Ervin Rivenburgh
Theron A. Roberts
John R. Romano
Floyd Schultz
Leon H. Seigle
James J. Sheridan
Jacob G. Siegenthaler
David L. Sochin
Lauren H. Stevens
Jeremiah Sullivan
Aniello Tambasco
Phillip A. Tuger
Leon G. Van Leuven
Arthur Wagner
James J. Wallerius
Ernest C. Wheener
John J. White
Dr. Josef E. Windiol
Joseph J. Yund
The names on the above plaque were alphabetized by surname.
World War Veterans
Who Have Died Since Nov, 1918
Dr. Henry B. Allen
Joseph A. Anderson
John P. Andrzejewski
Stanley E. Andrzejewski
John J. Ardison
Leland Baker
Harvey Barnett
Thomas Beams
Ralph Bell
Lewis M. Billington
George Blocker
Andrew Bonczyk
Harry Borwhat
Louis Broszeit
Harold Brower
Chauncey N. Brown
Cady S. Buckley
Frank Burger
Dr. John J. Burke
Walter Burkhardt
John J. Bush
Lauren M. Burtt
Milo Caldaroni
John A. Carney
Harvey Chase
John J. Coles
George Connelly
Wellesy Cooper
Marco Copasso
Joseph Cowalski
Frank H. Christman
John R. Cross
John E. Cutin
William Dehart
Thomas Devine
William Dodds
Albert Ernest
Peter Falla
Bernard Fineran
Florence Fitzgerald
Harry Fitzgerald
James Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald
James Fraser
Robert Fraser
James J. Frazier
Harold Fredericks
Charles Gagne, Jr.
George Gagne
James Goodwin
John H. Green
Michael Hamill
Herbert L. Hart
Frank Hawkes
Thomas A. Hennessey
Arthur W. Hoefs, Sr.
Edward J. Hogan
Raymond J. Hohs
Edward Hovemeyer
George Hughes
Munson Irving
Zachariah Jacoby
Alfred Jeudes
David Kaiser
Bazaar J. Kelly
Joseph Kelly
Edward Klappmier
Michael Kleopfel
Frank J. Kirschner
Charles Knack
Simon Le Roy
Joseph Levi
Frederick Long
John Lyons
William McClumphia
B. E. McFarland
Lawrence McGrath
John T. Moore
John J. Morris
Charles Newman
Dr. Elmer H. Ormsby
Raymond Quackenbush
Arthur Radley
John Ray
George Reals
John Redpath
Harry Rhods
Frank Rucinski
Bernard Sherman
John Simpson
Ralph Smyth
Orrie P. Spaller
Andrew Stankes
Oman Stanton
Harry Stevens
Richard Strack
Wesley Thompson
Charles H. Vollmer
Bernard Wasserman
Arthur Weaver
Judson Wells
Alden A. Wickham
Joseph Wojcik
Oscar Wood
William Wormer
Stanly Zawalinski
Frank Zitzka
The names on the above plaque were alphabetized by surname.
World War Veterans
Who Have Died Since Nov 11, 1918
Leslie Ardison
Joseph Artikuski
Frank Battenfield
Harold Bennison
Dr. James Bernhard
Joseph Biernack
Harold Bogart
Felix Bolger
Andrew Bonczyk
William Bonczyk
Arthur Bonville
John Bottisti
William Brinkman
Clifford Burns
Walter Butler
Stanley Cerwicz
James S. Clary
Edward Conniffe
Alphonse Costello
James M. Costello
John J. Costello
George Cook
William Dantini
John Del Vecchio
Lawrence Delli Venri
Peter Droney
Stanislaw Drzal
Thomas Dwyer
Joe Dylong
Kowalski Kartanas
George P. Kizik
Stanley Kochman
Franciszek Kowalik
Stanislaus Krupowski
John Kryszcak
Konstanaty Kryszczak
George Langley
Joseph Latvis
Marcellus Lavally
Grzegorz Levandowski
Guiseppe Lombardi
Walter Masten
Frank Mason
John McBride
Edgar Mentor
Vincent Micilulis
William A. Morgan
Steve Moroz
Michael Motyl
Edward Murphy
Michael Murphy
Edward Musolff
Grzegorz Myslowski
Bernard Nowokowski
John Nowokowski
Patrick O'Brien
Stanley Olander
Ignacy Orlowski
Matthew Palaikis
Adam Pianowski
Chester Plodzyk
Raymond Quackenbush
Aloysius Quinn
Stanislaw Raczynski
Stanley Raczynski
Frank Radford
William Radford
Joseph Ralia
John Reilly
Joseph Rieley
Noel Robert
Frank Rokita
Cyril Romelski
Nicholas Ross
Raymond Sager
Frank Sardynski
Adelbert Sauter
Earl Schenck
Alexander Serve
Andrew Slater
Michael Smith
Fred Snowden
Stanley Srzalowski
Bernard Stanley
Edward Stanley
James Stanley
Stanley Strazalkowski
Thomas Sullivan
Michael Szyzmanski
Ignacy Troche
Andrej Walek
James Waller
John J. Walsh
W. Wierzkowski
Stephen Wilgos
W. Wojcik
James Wood
Edward Yazum
Walter Yund
Louis Zannella
Peter Zukas
The names on the above plaque were alphabetized by surname.
In the Year 1925
By the
Citizens of Amsterdam, N.Y.
In Memory of
Those Who Served in the World War
1914 -- 1918
Let Us Serve Our Country in Peace
As they Did in War
This post was written as a contribution to the Honor Roll Project, which was created by Heather Wilkinson Rojo, author of Nutfield Genealogy.
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